Chapter 27

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Alejandro's POV 

I wanted to see more of that boy... Scarlett's newfound love interest... But he was going to be my love interest... Even if he's six years older than me. I am going to make sure he'll love me. Or at least spend time with me... It's hard being this young and admiring someone from a far distance... Someone I know I can't have... 

"Mom! Guess who I saw yesterday?" Scarlett smiled. 

"Who?" Mom asked. Scarlett went on talking about the boy and mom seemed happy that she ran into her childhood friend. 

"He invited us to his father's New Years bash. I told him we were more family oriented and probably wanted to spend time with just family though." She shrugged. 

"Well, you can stop in and say hello to everyone for a bit. You are a grown adult. Just don't drink." Mom said quietly. Scarlett smiled and hugged her. I was surprised that she would let her do such a thing! Especially without me! 

"Can I go with her?" I piped into a conversation that I had been listening to. Mom raised an eyebrow and Scarlett laughed. "I have to give him back his scarf..." I mumbled. 

"Why do you have his scarf?" Mom laughed. 

"Alejandro wasn't properly dressed for outdoors and Sam gave him the scarf to keep warm." Scarlett answered. Mom nodded slowly, then looked at her. Scarlett just laughed at it, which made mom laugh in return. "I can watch him no problem." She smiled. 

"Alright. But only for a little bit. We have our festivities here." Mom smiled. On the outside, I was cool. Had to keep my cool. But on the inside, I was screaming like a little girl. I was going to see this cute man again!! 


"What are you doing?" I asked Amelie. She was outside building a tiny fort in the snow or something. I didn't know, but how could she stand this cold?! 

"I'm making art. Momma said I could." She shrugged while packing down more snow. I rolled my eyes at her and shivered. 

"Aren't you cold?!" I yelled. 

"Can't be cold. Too busy for cold." She shrugged again and I thought that I should probably get mom... She always ignored things when making art... Especially the temperature outside. I walked in and saw dad talking to Grandma with mom sitting on the couch reading. 

"Mom, I think Amelie is going to get frostbite." I said quickly. "She's ignoring how cold it's getting outside." I frowned. Mom checked her phone and looked out the window. I watched her get up and walk over to the door. 

"Amelie! Time to come inside! Dinner is almost ready!" She called. I saw Amelie get up and walk through the snow to get inside. "Leave your boots out there. Grandma doesn't want snow tracking on her carpet." She reminded. Amelie walked in looking like someone had painted her face in certain spots. Her cheeks were a deep pink as well as her nose. I laughed at her appearance and she shot me a look. "Al, don't laugh at your sister. Amelie go get into some warm clothes." Mom said quickly. 

"Yes mom." Both of us said in unison. Sometimes we planned these things to freak dad out, but about eighty percent of the time, it was always unplanned. Which still freaked dad out to no end. 

"Don't do that!" Dad yelled from the kitchen. We laughed together and ran to our little rooms. 

"We should do that thing from the movie with the twins." Amelie laughed. 

"Which one?" I asked. 

"Where they stand in the hall holding hands and they say, 'come play with us Danny. Come play.'" She smirked. 

"Weren't those twins both girls?" I asked. She stopped and raised an eyebrow at me. 

"You groom yourself more than Scarlett does on a performance day." She laughed. 

"Good point... When?" I asked. 

"Literally any time dad is beyond tired. We'll have to plan our outfits for it too. Then when dad is walking down the hall at home, we'll pop out and instead of saying Danny, we'll say daddy." She smiled evilly. I nodded and we laughed together. Dad was going to regret having twins now. 


Pippa's POV 

I was worried that Alejandro was head over heels for Scarlett's friend. I didn't know how Scarlett felt about him, but I knew she was going to let Al have his little crush. Besides the fact that they lived in different states, I doubt she would put herself into that situation. 

"Scar, do you like Sam?" I asked her while setting the table. 

"He's a nice guy. But I don't think I'll see anything come of it. He lives here, and I live there. I'm not going to put myself in a relationship that I wouldn't get much out of. It wouldn't make any sense if I just limit myself to one guy for a long time." She shrugged. "Besides, I think Alejandro is trying his hand at trying to make him swoon over him." She laughed. 

"You're going to have to help him when he get's older... Make him see that not every boy is worth his time." I frowned. "Lord knows that boy is going to be going after them like they're candy...." I laughed with her and smiled at the thought. He's going to be boy crazy... Just the thought of it is hilarious in it's own way. Scarlett had a level head when it came to boys, Amelie had a type, and Alejandro was just taking them in as soon as they show up. I groaned at the thought of comforting him in the wee hours of the night as he cried over a break up. 

"Don't worry mom. I'll make sure to never get myself so worked up over a boy that you have to come save me." She laughed. 

"Thank you." I smiled. She nodded and picked up her phone from the table. I didn't know what was going on, but it looked like her eyes were going to fall out of her head. "What?" I asked her. 

"Nothing... Just really excited to graduate now... I may or may not take accelerated classes over the summer to graduate sooner now..." She smiled. 

"You're barely finished with your first year... Are you sure?" I asked her. 

"Yes.. I need to graduate in the next two years... I can't miss this opportunity mom... I really can't." She smiled.  

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