Chapter 26

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Amelie's POV

Grandma's house always smelled like cookies. Especially around the holidays. I loved it so much. When we got into her house, she hugged us tightly and gave us all kisses. Mom and dad talked with her about various things while we set up our rooms. I never really understood why grandma always had a big house, but when we visited, it made sense.

"Which bed are you choosing?" I asked Scarlett.

"You can have the window bed. I know you like looking out the window." She smiled. I nodded and threw my bag over to that side of the room.  I was happy she let me have this bed. Grandma had a nice view of everything from here. I wondered why she didn't have this room to herself.

"Make sure you guys dress warm for dinner. We're going out to eat." Dad said while peeking in the room.

"Where are we going?" Scarlett asked.

"I don't know. They wouldn't tell me." He laughed. "But Amelie, change your clothes into warm ones. You're going out with mom and grandma." He pointed. I nodded and got myself ready. I wondered where they were taking me..


We arrived at a museum and I squealed in my mind on how amazing it was. Grandma and mom walked arm in arm inside, laughing at how excited I was for this. We wandered the area and looked at the many paintings that were hung up on the walls. The sculptures sitting on their mounts and stands... Everything was amazing... 

"I'm sure she'll be fine. Her head hasn't started spinning yet." Grandma laughed. 

"What?" I asked them. 

"Your mother is worried that you're head is going to fly off with how happy you are." She smiled. 

"I... I'm really happy. Thank you mom." I said while hugging her. I looked up at her and saw her smile at me. "I can't believe you actually went through with taking me here." I whispered. 

"When I make a promise, I plan on keeping it." She whispered. 

"Can we go see Grandpa?" I asked quietly. She frowned and looked at Grandma. 

"Well..." She frowned. 

"Yes. Yes we can." Grandma said while hugging me. "But we can go after Christmas. Okay?" She asked. I nodded and looked back at the art pieces. I was going to have a little bit more closure... I think...


Alejandro's POV 

Scarlett had been to Chicago a lot with mom before me so we wandered the town together to let dad have some peace and quiet. 

"So... I noticed that mom and dad have only been married for a little bit longer than Amelie and I have been alive. Wanna talk about that?" I asked her. 

"Uh... Why are you so curious about mom and dad's love life all of a sudden?" She asked me while handing over the money for our food. 

"I'm a curious child. I need to know everything." I shrugged. She handed me my hot dog and shrugged. 

"Well... It was hard. Mom had a boyfriend for a while and they planned on getting married." She shrugged. 

"But then he pulled out and became a stranger?" He asked. 

"No, he um... He actually died... So mom was really upset for years... Then dad divorced his wife, then got with mom." She frowned. "In all honesty... I really wish Steven hadn't passed... He was great... But then I wouldn't have you guys as siblings. So I don't know how to feel. I really do love you guys." She smiled. I nodded and didn't know about this. Mom never wanted to talk about anything prior to meeting dad... 

"Why doesn't mom talk about it?" I frowned. 

"She does... But not when you guys are around... The last time she really talked about it was with me last year." She shrugged. "We go out every year in remembrance." She sighed. I frowned and didn't know it hurt them so much... "Don't be sad. Mom and I are fine. I'll have to show you pictures when we get back." She smiled. "Wait... Actually.." She pulled out her phone and went into her photos. "I scanned them into my phone when mom was away." She smiled. 

I looked at how happy all of them looked... The only time I had ever seen mom smile like that was when she saw Grandma and us. I didn't know anything about her anymore... The guy did look good. Like really good... But if he hadn't died, mom wouldn't be married to dad, and I wouldn't be here... 

"Does mom really love dad?" I asked her. 

"She does. Don't believe that nonsense that she doesn't." She said while putting her phone away. "Mom just has moments where she thinks about the what ifs. What if Steven hadn't died, what if she never married dad. What if she did this, what if she did that. What if the other kid had lived. That kind of stuff." She shrugged.

"Other kid?" I asked. 

"Way before you and Amelie, and before mom and dad got married, dad got mom pregnant again. They were so excited, but mom ended up losing the baby before she could have it. She felt really terrible and thought dad was going to leave her. But he didn't." She frowned. 

"Wow... Tell me more about before I was born." I smiled. She laughed at my curiosity and started telling me about the many trips they used to take when it was just her and mom. I was happy to hear about all of these things. Scarlett seemed happy to talk about them with me. Like she needed to vent about it to someone. 

"Then, we moved and you two were born." She smiled. "That's all I can really remember though." She laughed. "Let's get home before mom sees that we abandoned ship." We headed back to Grandma's house. We walked passed a couple of houses and a few kids were out playing in the snow. I smiled at them and felt a few snowballs hit me. A few hit Scarlett too and she turned to see a bunch of guys laughing. 

"What was that for?" I asked while rubbing the back of my head. 

"Little assholes..." She grumbled. 

"Scarlett! It's me! Don't you remember?" One of the older guys yelled. She squinted and looked at the guy. He held out his arms and twirled and almost fell to the ground. "We used to go sledding and play on the tire swing in my yard." He ran across the street towards us and I caught a glimpse of his face... He. Was. Gorgeous.... 

"No way!" Scarlett smiled. "I thought you moved!" She smiled. "Sam it's been years... Where did you go?" She asked while hugging him. 

"Well, I did move for a bit. Parent's divorced, so I had to go live with my mom for a bit. I came back from college to visit with my dad. I didn't think it was you, so I hit you with a snowball." He laughed. He was gorgeous... Even with all his winter clothing on... He had the prettiest blue eyes.... Perfect smile... "Who's this?" He asked. 

"My brother. Alejandro, this is Sam. I used to hang out with this guy when I would visit Grandma with mom." She introduced us and I nodded. 

"Nice to meet you..." I shivered and he frowned. 

"Why aren't you wearing a thicker jacket?" He asked. 

"I didn't think it would be this cold..." I laughed nervously. He took off his scarf and wrapped it around me... It was so warm. "Oh.." I said wide eyed. 

"There. That way you don't get sick." He laughed. "Oh! My dad is throwing a big New Years bash... You should totally come." He said to Scarlett. 

"I wish I could. Grandma usually has a big thing." She shrugged. 

"Can't we convince Grandma and mom to go there?" I asked. I wanted to hang out with this man... I know he was years older than me, but I can still look right?! 

"We can try... But I don't know... Mom is really big on family. You know how she is." She punched Sam lightly on the arm and he laughed. 

"Yeah, she is." He laughed. "You're going to have to hang with us again though. Dad will be happy to see you again. Are you in New York still?" He asked. 

"Yeah! I go to Julliard too. So, I can't up and leave whenever though." She shrugged. 

"I'll have to go visit sometime." He smiled.

"Oh yes please...." I thought to myself.

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