Chapter 19

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Scarlett's POV 

Alejandro walked into my room after talking with dad and sat with Sebastian and I. 

"So you told him?" Sebastian asked. 

"Yeah... He kinda just sat there not saying anything... Mom was on his laptop too..." He frowned. "What if they don't accept me?" He asked on the verge of tears. Seb and I frowned and went to hug him. He needed our support. 

"If they don't accept you, then they're just jerks. Mom and dad have been friends with Uncle Groffsauce for years. And he's the gayest person I know." I smiled. He nodded and accepted my hug. "I'm sure mom and dad just need a bit of time adjusting to what you said. I'm sure mom will talk to you when she gets back too." I said quietly. He nodded once more and started crying.

"Don't cry... You're stronger than all of us right now. Because you told the hardest person in the world to tell." Seb smiled. 

"Can I sleep in here tonight?" Alejandro sniffed. 

"Of course. We'll have a mini sleep over!" I smiled. "Let's get your blankets and we'll get some more pillows from the living room and set up some beds." I said while getting up. We left the room in search of bed items. Sebastian found pillows in the living room, Alejandro grabbed blankets and pillows from his room while I grabbed snacks. 

"What are you doing?" Dad asked while I poured some chips into a bowl. 

"Seb, Al and I are all piling into my room for a sleepover." I shrugged. 

"Oh. Alright. Your mom says hi." He said while walking passed me. 

"Oh. Good." I smiled. "So, Alejandro told you?" I asked quietly. He nodded and didn't say anything. "He's afraid you guys aren't going to accept him. But I'm sure you guys will. If you don't let me remind you that the rest of your kids won't like you because of that." I said while walking away from him. When I got back into my room, Sebastian was setting up two beds on the floor with the multiple pillows he found. Alejandro was setting up my laptop with Netflix and smiled when I arrived with chips. 

"Guys, can I talk with you?" Dad asked when we got settled. 

"Sure." All of us nodded. He sat on the floor with us and frowned. 

"Dad you probably shouldn't have sat on the floor." I laughed. 

"I don't think I should have either." He laughed. "But I'm down here already." He smiled. "I know that you're going to be going through a lot of things. All of you. Scarlett with college soon, Sebastian, getting ready to hit his halfway mark with high school... But Alejandro, I promise you that your mother and I are going to love you no matter what." He said quietly. I smiled at dad he was trying to help us. "And that goes for all of you. If you guys happen to like the same gender or not, we will love you no matter what. Don't be afraid to tell us anything. Unless it's a failing grade. Then be afraid. Be very afraid." He pointed. 

"Thanks dad." Alejandro said while hugging him. 

"You're welcome." He smiled. "I love you guys. Don't forget that." He smiled. 

"We love you too dad." Everyone piled into a big hug, well minus Amelie, but we still enjoyed our hug. 

"Just one thing Alejandro..." Dad said quickly. 

"What?" He asked. 

"Just like your sisters, you're not allowed to be in a room alone with a boy." He pointed. Alejandro rolled his eyes and we laughed with him. 

*Two Weeks Later*

"Everyone please clean up! Mom is going to be home any minute!" I yelled while throwing a load of wet laundry in the dryer. 

"I'm trying!" Amelie said while throwing the dog toys into the basket. Alejandro was hanging up a welcome home banner and was busy trying not to fall off the kitchen stool. 

"Why is there so much pressure?!" Alejandro groaned. "There, we are all set." He said while climbing back down. 

"Laundry is finishing up in the dryer, Simba has been bathed and groomed, and Amelie has picked up all of the dog toys. I think we're good." I smiled. The door opened and I saw dad holding one of mom's bags. 

"Hey kids!" Mom smiled. 

"Mommy's back!" Amelie smiled while running up to hug her. 

"I'm glad you're feeling better." She said while walking into the apartment. "I love the decor." She smiled at us. Alejandro nodded and I walked over to hug her. 

"Missed ya mom." I smiled. 

"I missed you too." She kissed my head and walked over to Alejandro. She hugged him tightly and kissed his head. "We love you no matter what." She whispered to him. He nodded and took in the hug. Who knew that we were going to have a family full of kids that were going to marry guys? 


"Why do I have to do this?" Amelie frowned. 

"Because it's your night to do dishes." I laughed. 

"So unfair." She sighed. 

"Get used to life not being fair." Mom smiled. "Life is always going to bite you in the rear." She smiled. I laughed while putting my plates in the sink when mom had said that. Amelie rolled her eyes and started washing the dishes. Dad was working on his music again, and Alejandro was reading his math book as always. Mom decided to follow me into my room. 

"So, was there anything you wanted to rant about?" I asked her. 

"No, just missed you guys so much." She said while sitting on my bed. "And with Alejandro coming out to us... Are you okay with everything?" She frowned. 

"I'm straight mom. Trust me." I laughed.

"But are you thinking of dating? It's been a little weird that your younger sister got a date before you..." She frowned. 

"Well.. My life is too busy for a boyfriend or even a date for that matter mom. I'm so busy with too many things." I shrugged. 

"Alright. I just wanted to check on you. To make sure you weren't spying on a guy from afar." She winked. 

"Does it look like I have a copper spyglass by my window?" I smirked. 

"How would I know?" She laughed while leaving.

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