Chapter 3

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Lin's POV

I was upset that Pip wasn't happy at home with the kids. I felt like she needed a break too.. So I decided to get her a little job that would hopefully get her out of her weird moods. She stood in the theatre awkwardly and looked around the room. It was one she hadn't been in yet, but she was excited. 

"What exactly am I doing here?" She asked me. 

"Well the guy is meeting me here since I work here. And hopefully you'll like it?" I raised an eyebrow and she nodded slowly. The doors flew open revealing a very tall man with a scarf that could've been a very thing rug.... 

"Where is Lin Manuel Miranda?" He spoke. 

"Here I am!" I waved. 

"So you're the one who sent in the pictures?" He asked while walking towards me. 

"Yes sir." I smiled. "And she's right there." I pointed at Pip and she sheepishly smiled at us. 

"Hm." He walked over to her and walked around her a couple of times. "She has potential. Nice figure. Very tall. Has a bit of weight still though." He spoke. 

"Excuse me?" She asked. 

"You have weight darling." He stated. "Not a lot, but noticeable. How many kids did you have again?" He asked. 

"Three." She said while getting agitated. I frowned and thought this might not work anymore... 

"Hm. Well she's a good fit. I can't find anyone else this stunning. She's in." He smiled at me. "Meet me in Central Park on Friday at nine. Make me proud." He said while walking out. 

"What exactly am I doing Lin?" She asked me. 

"Well, its modeling for Broadway!" I smiled. She shook her head and frowned. "What? Did I do something wrong?" I frowned. 

"I love it, but modeling? At my age? I don't think so.." She sighed. "I'm too old...." 

"You're never too old. You're just as gorgeous as the day I married you." I said while taking her hands in mine. She laughed and shook her head. "I mean it. You're only 37." I smiled. 

"Yeah, only..." She rolled her eyes and hugged me. I kissed her head and we watched as the cast continued to rehearse. I needed to get her something to do. It was the best present I could give her. 


I walked with her through Central Park early morning. Scarlett was going to watch the twins for her while we did this. I could see Pippa was nervous... But at least she was going to be dressing in fancy clothes again. 

"Stop being so nervous." I chuckled. 

"I can't help it. What if he doesn't like me anymore and decides to get another person? I haven't done any modeling.. Like ever.." She frowned. 

"Then think of it as acting! Act like a model." I smirked. 

"Because that would work." She said sarcastically. I frowned and saw her sit on the bench. The sun was coming up, but it was still very foggy and a bit cloudy. When the sun hit her, you could see that she could be a model. Or an angel. Yup. Mainly an angel. 

"You two are here early." We turned to see the same guy as before. "I never properly introduced myself. I'm Mario Succi. I can see what you see now Mr. Miranda." He smiled. "She's got the face of a thousand angels." He said while walking towards her.

"Me?" Pippa laughed. She looked down at her clothes and back at me. I shrugged and laughed with her. 

"Mrs. Miranda, I have some costumes for you and it would be an honor to see you all done up." Mario smiled. Pippa nodded slowly and we were led over to the trailer and shooting area. I sat in the trailer with her while the dressers and stylists went to work. I decided to play a few games on my phone since it was going to be awhile. When she was finished, boy did I need to hold back everything not to kiss her like a mad man... Her hair was tied back and her makeup was minimal but you could tell... The clothes were a bit more on the showy side, but I didn't care... 

"She's finished Mr. Succi!" The stylist called. 

"I feel like a barbie doll.." Pip whispered to me. 

"You look gorgeous to me." I pecked her lips and got a smile out of her. "Now go out there and show them what a model does." I whispered. She nodded and walked out of the trailer with the helpers. I watched as Mario helped her over to the area they wanted to shoot at. She looked like a natural when it came to it. I was so proud of her.. 


We sat in traffic on the way home of course, but I didn't care. Pippa was playing with her hair and reading messages on her phone. I focused on trying not to drive the car over people. 

"So do you have another gig?" I asked her.

"Yup. I have to be somewhere in Washington Heights next week." She shrugged. 

"Really?" I asked, excited of course. "That sounds amazing." 

"I have to reschedule the twin's dentist appointment to make it though." She frowned. 

"I'll take them. Don't worry." I smiled. I saw that she was happy, but I didn't want it to be just a one time thing for her either. Hopefully people would be okay with her doing this and not acting... Or at least until she could go back into acting again. 

Scarlett's POV

My phone had been blowing up with notifications and I didn't want to touch my phone. I was going to have to ask mom and dad how to disable them... Or at least filter them. People didn't care if I was famous yet or not, but they sure did want my attention. I scrolled through the random strangers and found friends. I smiled at their messages and saw a few texts. 

AJ: Hey, they're holding open auditions at the Public for Hamlet. Are you coming?? 

I was shocked... Hamlet??? Me?? I jumped up and thought about it.. 

Scarlett: I can't! Watching siblings while mom and dad run errands. :(

I frowned. Maybe Hamlet wouldn't be for me... I guess I could try something else one day. 

AJ: Well I overheard my dad saying that someone is going to hold open auditions for Hamilton too next week. And Great Comet too. Maybe you can go to those and see what you can get! :P

I had to be way older for those.. Maybe I should just wait a while. It would be too much for me to do a show and school.. My phone buzzed again, but this time from one of my school buddies... 

Serephina: The shows were announced!!! This fall is going to be Phantom, and then the Spring one theres talk of Amelie! I mean, it would be hard to get someone to play a kid but there's also rumors of Wicked! Maybe even Cats! Well okay, only fall was announced, but the director was planning on consulting people on getting the things together for a bigger production! Aren't you excited?! 

I squealed and thought they were all good. But one of them my mom was in... I couldn't audition if they were going to expect so much of me... In fact every director we had expected so much of me... This name is a curse I say... Expecting me to either be a talented rapper and writer like my father, or be as beautiful, graceful and talented like my mother... I was neither... 

I was just me...

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