Chapter 28

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Scarlett's POV

Chicago trip came and went. Sam was desperate for my attention, but I didn't really see him more than a friend. Mom was glad that I was hurrying to graduate, but she didn't know why I wanted to in such a hurry. Truth be told, they were planning on reviving a musical from years ago, and I wanted in. Heather and Gina had been on tabs for it for months now. I begged for them to keep me in the loop since I desperately wanted to play a certain role in that musical..

"You want to take more classes?" My counselor frowned.

"I want to graduate faster than before." I smiled.

"Are you sure? You're already taking on a busy schedule this semester..." She frowned.

"Is there any way I can take classes over break? Summer and Winter break?" I frowned.

"You can take the shorter ones.. The ones that are going to require everyday work of course.." She shrugged while looking through the plan I had been on. "You're going to have to take dance classes... Maybe you can get rid of those this Summer?" She asked.

"Yes." I nodded. "Is there anything for Winter break that I can get rid of?" I asked.

"Well... Not anything in a month... Maybe... Let me see..." She started typing on her computer and through the catalog online. "I knew it! Okay, so we can get rid of the dance classes this Summer, you'll still have your Winter break of course, but after Summer your schedule will be clear of the arts you have to take. Which will have room for the next semester classes... Then you break..." She started writing everything down on a paper and it made me smile. "There. Taking the dance classes this Summer, then take all of your finished generals, then break, then you're ahead by a whole semester." She smiled.

"Thank you so much. I don't even know how I'm going to explain how I'm going to do all of this with my mom." I laughed.

"They are going to be okay with this right?" She asked. "Your mother was very specific as to not let you do a lot of things at once." She frowned.

"Well, mom knows that I want to graduate early. We talked over break and she seemed fine with it." I nodded. My counselor nodded and gave me my new written schedule. I was going to have to register for all of these classes and figure everything out. I think I'll save money by not dorming and stay home. Just commute on the train for an hour.


"You're not going to dorm anymore?" Gina frowned.

"I know, I know. But it's the only thing I can do right now. My mom is going to flip shit when she realizes that I'm going to be doing this quicker than normal... She knew I was going to be taking extra classes, but not this many!" I frowned.

"Scarlett swore...." Heather laughed.

"Oh my god... Call the presses! Scarlett swore!" Gina screamed.

"Guys! I'm serious! My mom is going to be so pissed!" I groaned.

"Again!" Heather screamed.

"Ugh!" I laughed.

"I signed up for the program too. You won't be alone in those classes." Heather said while looking over my schedule. "I'm going to have to dorm here though... Unless something happens." She shrugged.

"My mom will let you stay with us. Just get a metro card." I smiled.

"Yay!" Heather laughed.

"You guys are terrible. Leaving me to graduate by myself." Gina frowned. l felt bad that we were going to be graduating before her but we really wanted to be getting into the acting world already...

"We promise to invite you to every performance." Heather smiled.

"And we'll come to your graduation and support you! And help you get into the world too!" I smiled. Gina laughed and shook her head. "We promise." I said while hugging her.


Pippa's POV

I sat at the little bar reading through the mail. Mostly things for Lin and a few things for me. Scarlett got her mail here that she would pick up once a month. Unless it was marked urgent. Which it hardly ever was. I kept an eye the pot on the stove. I was making soup since it was really cold out.

"Mom... Can I start a social media account?" Amelie asked.

"Nope." I said while sipping on my tea.

"Why not? It would be for just art." She shrugged.

"My answer is final. I don't want people to be negative towards you. I know people are like that now, but I don't want to find out that you were being bullied over the Internet. Trust me, it hurts just as bad." I explained. She nodded and sat at the bar with me. "Is there anything else you needed?" I asked her.

"When is Scarlett coming home?" She asked.

"Next weekend. She's trying to finish up her new schedule so she can come visit still." I sighed. I knew she wanted to graduate early, but why the rush? All of a sudden she needed to do things now? There was no point in her rushing. She wasn't going to learn the proper techniques if she rushed...

"What kind of jobs do artists have on Broadway?" Amelie mumbled.

"Like your kind of artist? Or dad's kind of artist?" I asked.

"Me." She answered.

"Well, you could help create the stage and props for the actual production. Help create the playbill, posters, billboards... Um... The artwork that is put out everywhere for it too I think..." I shrugged. "I'm not sure. I never got to talk to those people when I was performing. I can only imagine they put just as much effort into their parts like we did." I smiled. She nodded and ran off to her room. Was she considering going into Broadway but in a different spot? Now I just had to convince Alejandro... then Lin would have three kids as a legacy... Oh goodness... Little legacy children running around performing and painting.

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