Kiss or Kill Me? II|Play

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Chapter Fourteen - Play

"Today is finally the day!" Holly says as she panicked and walked in circles. I went close to her and patted her back softly. "Calm down, Holly. Everything will go smoothly."

"Aren't you gonna perform for the program?" Holly looks at me and I chuckled whilst I scratched my head. "I guess. Kinda forgot about that."

"Yo," he greeted as he entered the room and placed his back beside my seat. "Did you get your beauty rest, Belle?" I teased him and he frowns.

"After I protected you from that creep, this is how you treat me?" he crosses his arms and furrows his brows at me. I turned red, remembering how I cried and clutch to him like a child. "S-shut u-up!"

"What do you mean creep?" I got startled when Janna suddenly appears behind our back with a menacing look. "Care to tell me, Marco?"

"It was just a joke, Janna," I try to make her let it go but she's too persistent that she could bite someone. Diaz sighs. "There was a creep when we went home and we just ran for it. This man, here," he points to me.

"Cried so hard and held me tight like a girl."

"Ack!" I say, out of words to attack him as I turn more profusely red.

"See I told you? How about you just start dating Diaz and your problems will be gone,"  Janna says like it's no big deal.

"I don't  want a short boyfriend!" I defended.

"Who'd want a giant girlfriend anyway!" he looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Calm, down. Don't you both have to practice for the song number?" Janna grins and clasp her hands together. "--do your best, Comedy Duo."

"You had to remind me of that," Diaz sighs in exasperation and looks at me. "Call, Tom. We're gonna do a last rehearsal."

"Okay," I answer and went out of the room to find Tom Lucitor.

We were chosen to sing for the program because Mr. Hansei was kind enough to let us embarrass ourselves and since it was an original composition, we needed the instruments. Diaz is for the electric guitar and Tom is for the Drums.

Me? I'm just a vocalist

We were currently practicing for the song and I stole a glance at Diaz. I do admit he looks cool, seeing him so focused as he strum those strings. I look away and continued singing.

.  . .

"Good morning guys!" the Mce screams with all her might as her voice gets drowned with the cheers and yells of the students. "--today we are going to open our festival! But first we are going to have some people to present and showcase their talents."

"Are you ready?" she chimes and everyone yells. "Then let's start with the popular Comedy Duo of Class 1!"

"That's our Beauty and the Beast!!" one of our classmates cheer.

"Go guys!"

"I hope it's gonna be hilarious!"

I started to become stiff as I went up on stage like a robot. My knees were shaking and I was profusely sweating. I've never been in front of a stage before.

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