Kill or Kiss Me?!|Someone's Shy

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Chapter Eighteen -
Someone’s Shy

Note : I’m suffering from writer’s block right now so I can’t write as detailed as I want it to be.

“The exam is finally over!” I say in relief, exhaustion wearing me off as I laid back on my seat. “—my brain just hurts from all those questions, especially those essays.”

Janna nods, then glanced at Jackie. “How do you think you did on the exam, honor student?”

Jackie shakes her head, a sheepish smile crept up her lips as she replied. “I’m not that smart. I’m just average.”

“Your review really helped me Jackie,” I thanked her. “—if it wasn’t for you, I might have resorted to picking letters randomly.”

I hear a shrill, midget voice from behind me and it just made my blood boil all the while the small fry continues to drown itself with laughter. “That’s because you’re stupid. Sorry ugly cow, but I’m gonna win the challenge.”

“You’re too cocky for someone your size, aren’t you, Diaz?” I sneer in distaste, my eyes irking in exasperation when his hands slammed down on my desk, earning a thud. “We’ll see about that.”

“Aren’t you two cute?” Jackie pipes up, eyeing us both with a look in her eyes that just scream ‘fangirl’. “—I can’t wait for at least one of you to confess your feelings.”

I gave Diaz a revolting look and he counters back. Then we both shout. “NO ONE IS CONFESSING!”

“Shut up!” I screech at him.

“You shut up, old lady!’ he countered and it irked me off I stood up from my seat and faced him, eyeing him as I looked down due to our height.

I flicked his forehead and he retracted, earning me a glare.
“Annoying midget,” I curse.

“Giant witch,” he sneer. Then we both looked away and frowned.


“Hey, do you feel like someone’s following us?” I glanced at Diaz to see him giving me a scrunched look with his lips pursed and his eyebrows furrowed. “Have you been watching horror movies again?”

I scratched my head, letting out a small chuckle. “Maybe you’re right, I’m just overthinking things.”

But somehow I don’t feel reassured about that. Because I still feel someone or something burning gazes through my back and I feel great discomfort but maybe it’s just all in my mind. I hope.

“Wanna stop by the music store?” he suggests, halting in his steps as I paused, glancing at him.

I narrowed my eyes at him, wondering what’s gotten into him and suddenly invite me out of nowhere.

Not to mention, we’re walking home together! I mean it’s natural since we live close but he’s my enemy, my foe, my fiend and suddenly walking home with him without realizing it is somehow..weird.

“I saw some limited CD’s of Been. Might want to check it out,” he grins, showing me his boyish smile as he persists.

I gave him one last look before giving in, sighing as I shoved my hands underneath my pocket. “I guess.”

We head towards the music store as we crossed the street when the traffic lights were red. I glanced around and see some people from my school chatting and clinging to their boyfriends. It’s weird, me and this midget hanging out afterschool, it’s like we’re da-da-dati----No! Stupid idiot! This is just a small fry that looks like I’m on babysitter duty. That’s right, there’s nothing to worry about.

“Butterfly, what’s with you?” I snap when I realize I stopped walking in the middle on the lane with his eyes staring immensely at me. “—you wanna die or something?”

I shake my head, catching up to him as we head inside the music store.

The door opens with a chime and I’m met with the cool breeze of AC as it makes my skin shiver. The store is playing some old random song like a broken record and the racks of Cd’s just waiting for me to come and check it out.

I follow Diaz as we head around the back of the music store, seeing him shuffle around the countless Cd’s piled unto it. Then there’s that weird feeling again.

I couldn’t help but look behind my back to see if there was someone, but there wasn’t. I became wary since the feeling of being watched didn’t fade away but I just stared at Diaz, watching him overjoyed by the albums.

I swear, there’s someone out there.

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