Kill or Kiss Me?! II | It's Eating Me Away

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Chapter Twenty-Three
It's Eating Me Away

"Morning," he mumbles for a short while, then takes a seat beside me, placing his backpack on the floor and silence engulfs us once again.

"Yeah," I trailed off, not knowing what to say. In the end, I kept my mouth shut and the distance between us further grows.

It's been a week since I've last talked to Diaz normally. If I kept talking to him, then nothing would change and we'd just bicker in the end.

I didn't want to ruin any progress between him and Pony ----Head since I knew that stepping into the picture was gonna be trouble ahead.

Janna's plan was working. Indeed Pony Head and Marco started hanging more often. I'd see them by the halls, laughing and talking about something with a smile on their faces. There were times where Marco would just leave his seat and go to where Pony Head was, sharing earphones as they listened with a calm expression on their faces.

In my eyes, Marco is starting to like her. There was nothing wrong with it, in fact it was doing more good than harm. But somehow, there's a nagging feeling in my chest. It hurts and no matter how I try to make it gone, it just doesn't.

I'm not jealous. I'm not. Why would I be jealous when it's just that small fry? When it's just...him.

When he's always smiling at her, but he's always frowning and pissed at me. When he probably whispers and says nice things to her, but he always points out every flaw I've had. When he's looking at her with warmth and comfort, but he's always looking at me with revolt and distaste.

"You okay?" I snap out of my reverie when I see Jackie looking at me with concern plastered on her face. "—you've been shooting glares at Marco's back this whole time."

"I'm not!" I look away, denying her accusations. I wasn't staring. I wasn't. I just happened to stare at his back while I was in deep thoughts.

"Are you two fighting?" Jackie asks, eyeing at my expressions intently.

I huffed, letting out a forced grin. "We're not. It was best I ignore the midget so that I could finally get a boyfriend. Being with him was a curse."

Lies. Being with him was fun. As much as I didn't want to admit, deep inside it was fun. We were our own twisted way but we knew that the only way to keep our friendship was to keep bickering. It was weird and cringey if we started acting like normal friends, seeing each other with no distaste. It was even worst if I had to see him as a potential love interest.

I can't imagine myself doing lovey dovey things with him. Hugging him, kissing him, saying sweet things. It was out of the question.

This was for the best.

. . .

"Have you heard about the gossip..." Jackie continues rambling about a new gossip she just heard and I half-heartedly nod, staring down at my lunch as I fiddled with my food.

My eyes suddenly roam towards Diaz and Pony Head as they sat on the far back. I watch as their backs were heaving up and down, laughing as they scoot closer.

"Earth to Star!" Janna screeches, earning my attention.

I whirl my attention to where Janna was frowning, waving both of her hands at me. "Did you just hear what I said?"

"About what?" I frown, feeling grumpy all of a sudden.

Janna rolls her eyes. "You've been spacing out for the past days. Is Pony Head and Marco troubling you?"

I chuckled bitterly. "Ha?! That's a stupid question. Why would that dwarf trouble me?"

"Just admit that you're jealous," Janna points her fork at me in a It's-the-truth tone. "—it's not bad to admit you are. You're not going to jail because of jealousy."

I frowned. "I told you I'm not jealous."

Janna smirks, irking me off as she glances at me with disbelief. "Oh really? Then wait 'till you hear this."

"Marco is going on a date with Pony Head this weekend!" Janna  chimes.

I clench on the spoon I was holding, then my hold softens when I realize what I was doing. I glance at Janna, trying to mask my emotions. So he's going on a date? Big deal. I mean he's just a stupid brat.

"I bet Marco is going to ask her to be his girlfriend," Janna smiles at me smugly, all the way not breaking eye contact as she stared at me. "—that would be so cute. Well, lucky for you Star, no more Comedy Duo for you two."

"Yeah," I grit my teeth.

"Which is why we decided to invite you to a group mixer!" Janna chimes.

My eyes widened in surprise. Group Mixer? Isn't that a group date?

"And why should I join this group Mixer?" I frown, arching a brow up.

Janna chortles, mused in my expressions. "Because there are going to be tall guys there. Isn't this your dream? To finally find a tall boyfriend? Well this is your chance."

Janna was right. From the start, all I ever wanted was a tall guy. Someone who I could hug without worrying I was too tall for me. This was the perfect chance, yet why do I feel unhappy? Why don't I want this?

I stole a discreet glance at Diaz's direction. He's laughing right now and Pony Head is too.

I narrowed my eyes, a smile creeping on my lips. If Diaz can get a girlfriend.

So can I.

Bring it on.

I smile mischievously at Janna, making her raise a brow. "Sure. I'll go."

Janna grins. "Now that's the spirit."

Two can play that game Diaz. Just you wait.

June 7, 2020
Fufufufu, isn't this getting interesting?

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