Book III| Chapter Fourty-Two

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Chapter Fourty-Two : Study Time

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   "Damn it. I'm going to quit school and become a comedian," I groaned, banging my head against desk while my hands further crumple my failure of a result.

     "Include me on that too," a voice pipes up, then I turn my head to find Marco looking sucked from hell just as me. "--I'll join the circus if I have to."

     "You two should totally join the circus," Janna stands  in front of me and I could just about imagine that grin on her lips. "---you'd make a weird couple of attraction there."

  "Shut up, Janna," Marco scowled, looking at Janna with a frown and dark circles around his eyes.

     "Oh? You're telling me to shut up?" she grins with a mischievous glint on her lips. Good bye, Diaz. "--how would you  feel when I have..this?"

     Marco's eyes widened in instant with mouth gaping in surprise upon seeing the keys dangling on Janna's fingers. "My key!"

   He stands up from his seat and leans forward in a haste, scrambling with  his bare hands to grab the keys off Janna hands but she smirks, raising her hand higher and gives him more difficulty..because he's short.

Seeing them both reminds me of a kid bullied by an older teen. It's sad. I groaned, too exhausted to move from my head laying on the desk. "Don't bully weak kids."

     Marco turns his head to me and huffed. "I'm not a kid! And I'm not as hell weak!"

       "You are," Janna flatly looks at Marco, as if staring the harsh truth and that just fuels Marco's intense anger for he starts jumping to reach the keys from Janna's hold.

     Poor kid. Janna chuckles in amusement, feeding off Marco's misery as he keeps on leaping and starts to lose breath for he pants audibly with sweat dripping from his head. "Is that all you've got?"

    "S-shut up, J-janna," he pants, wheezing out of breath while he places his hands on his knees for support.

  Cue Jackie as she heads to where our commotion is and frowns, taking the keys off Janna's hand by arms reach. She flashes a smile and hands the key to Marco  which he grabs without further hesitation.
   "Damn you, Janna."

     "Speaking of exams," Jackie piped up. "--aren't you two supposed to review at the library? The remedial is tomorrow, isn't it?"

       I reached my arms forward, clutching to the hem of Jackie's skirt. "Please help me. I'm a hopeless case."

       Jackie looks at me with a sorry face, smiling faintly as she replied. "Sorry. I want to help you..but I'm going somewhere tonight so I want to head home early."

      Janna playfully grins, nudging Jackie by the shoulder with a mischievous glint on her eyes. "You mean a date? With your lovey-dovey Oskar?"

      Jackie's cheeks flushed red and it was settled that she was going on a date. I sigh, burrowing my head further on the desk with a groan. "Lucky Jackie. You have a date while I'm still single. Must be nice."

       "Anyway," she clears her throat, trying to move the attention from her. "--you two are going to study. That's final."

. . .

   "I really didn't think we'd actually go to the library," I whispered close to Marco, my eyes trailing to the countless booksheleves with all kinds of different books.

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