Book III|Chapter Forty-Eight

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Chapter Forty- Eight : My Girlfriend


  Dedicated to :UNeedToChange StarcoFan8 for your suggestions. It really helped ♥️

       If murder was even legal, I swear I could have slit the throat of this douche sitting beside me.

        "What are you doing?" he peers forward, forgetting all about the concept of personal space, leaning his body against mine and his breath disgustingly fanning my skin.

         For starters, I hate people breathing on me. Isn't it common knowledge not to breath in what other exhaled? But I guess people dig weird fetishes, just like those cheesy romances.

      "Janna, eyes on me," he ordered, extending his hand and in the split second that it took me to realize, he snatched the book on my hands and was now in his hold.

      I blinked, then cursed him. Ever since he kissed me---no said those weird, awfully first rate lines and his dubious confession, he's been acting like a leech.

       Always following where I go, disturbing me, stealing my things and basically it's driving me mad.

       I thought he hated me? I thought we shared the same mutual hatred. After all, people who think alike are mostly prone to despise one another. And that's exactly what should happen.

       "I'm looking at you alright," I narrowed my eyes. "--now give the damn book."

      "Go on a date with me," he says bluntly, eyes straight forward without any hesitation.

     I snarled, absolutely in disbelief. Me? Asked on a date? And what? Santa exists? We can live on Mars now? It was absolutely the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard my entire life.

     I, who was born mischevious and knew when to struck someone's vulnerability,  is being asked on a the guy I blackmailed.

      "You're going on that date," he pokes my shoulder.

      I smirked, mustering my undeniable confidence as I stared back into those stubborn ruby eyes. "I don't think that's a good idea. I know exactly your password and credit code."

     "I don't mind," he winks. "---do whatever you want."

     "I'll expose your true nature," I added. "---wouldn't want to harm your oh so important, gentleman façade, would you?"

    "Do it," he casually shrugs, leaning back onto the seat with legs crossed and that undeniable smile plasterred on his lips. It really pisses me off. He pisses me off.

      "You're fucking annoying," I cursed, grabbing a handful locks of my hair to at least lower my stress levels. I hate him! I truly  hate this guy! He's the epitome of everything I hate!

     "Why, it's my specialty," he perked a smirk.

   "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" I snarled, glaring daggers through him, but he doesn't even seem to be bothered a bit by how much I can do.

   It's like he's willing to exploit his weaknesses to me, and where's the fun in that? I scoffed, kicking the random pebble standing in front of my shoes.

   "You mean seeing you writhe in anger? Why, of course."

    Then he grabs the book I've read and flips a page open, staring at it with a blank look, eyes scanning back and forth. "You like these types of book, huh? Well, to be honest. I don't like you."

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