Kill or Kiss Me?! II|The Giant Is Special To Me?

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Chapter Thirty-One
The Giant Is Special To Me?

(Special Chapter)

“It's okay, Marco. I'll be fine.”

“I wanted to know if you'd like to go with me on Christmas Eve..?”

I ruffled my hair in frustration, making random strands of hair stand out and swerve in random directions. I hissed. Am I really that popular?

I mean Star asked me first—rather I told her I'd go with enthusiasm, yet she says she'll be fine. Geez, that look she gave me made me uneasy.

Then there's Pony Head, she's a really nice girl and she looked so happy when  I said I'll be thinking about it. I don't like making girls sad. I really don't want them to be disappointed or sad because  of me.

This is a tough choice. Is this how popular men go through? I'd rather go back to my lame lifestyle then having to pick one of them—which would end in bad note.

There are three options possible; I could : Reject Star and go with Pony Head or Reject Pony Head and go with Star..and lastly, ditch them all together.

The last option seemed like a more reasonable choice, but I thought about it for long and hard—which surprised me since I never thought his hard before. And I think I'll do what I think is best.

. . .

“Hey, Pony Head,” I sucked my breath, seeing her stand in front of me with a cute scarf around her neck.

She smiles timidly at me, not knowing anything. “So..what are you going to say?”

I noticed her fiddling around her shoulder bag, then she unveils a wrapped present and guilt immediately sinks into my system.

She brought me a gift..and I didn't even had anything for her.

She casts her look at the floor and murmurs, her cheeks flushed red as she extended her hand to me with a present rested on her palm. “P-please take it.”

I swallowed the lump on my throat; sweat started trickling through my temple even though it was freezing cold. I inhaled a deep breath, gaining a serious gaze. “I'm sorry Pony head, but I don't think I can accept that.”

Her eyes flickered to meet mine. I replied. “I'm really sorry, Pony Head. You're a really nice and cool girl..but I..I don't really see you that way.”

She murmured. “But at least take this gift.”

“I-I can’—”

She shoves the present onto my chest and I had no choice but to accept it. I muttered, timidly. “Thank you.”

“I knew that from the start,” she started, a small smile etched her lips. I flickered my gaze at her. “—that I wouldn't stand a chance.”

I raised a brow. “What do you mean?"

“I wouldn't stand a chance to someone like Star,” she smiled, shaking her head. “--she's special to you, isn't she?”

I turned red, immediately denying it. “W-what are you saying? That giant? She's just a friend!”

She chuckled lightly. “You may see it that way, but I see it differently. You came to meet me here because you care about her right?”

“I don't,” I muttered, looking away. “--it's just that I made plans with her first and I needed to keep that promise.”

“You're really stubborn,” Pony Head shakes her head. “—but I'm glad I met you, Marco. If it's not much, can I still be your friend?”

I nod immediately. “Of course! I thought you didn't want to be my friend anymore.”

She turned her heel, making her back face me. “And Marco?”


“I'm rooting for you.”

June 22, 2020

Just a reminder though, this is still the beginning of a rocky road. So fasten your seat belts!

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