Kill Or Kiss Me?! II |Just The Two Of Us

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Chapter Thirty-Four -
Just the Two Of Us

  “What is i—”

I froze, my entire body stiffened as my mouth hang open with my hands up on mid-air. 

I blinked, and blinked, and blinked until the point I could finally understand that he wasn't just a figment of my imagination or a ghost that appeared with his face.

Seeing him here, standing in front of my front door at eight o’ clock was enough to raise questions. I was curious, and somewhat happy.

I tried to calm down my racing heart, but it just made it worse. I closed my eyes and try to imagine puppies...and lots of puppies in view.

Yet when I opened my eyes, they all disappeared with Marco’s face imprinted on my mind. “I'm not a ghost just so you know. If I was one, I'd  never visit you.”

My eyes twitch in insult. He immediately adds, feeling my wrath. “Just kidding.”

  “What..are you doing here?” I say breathlessly, my eyes flickering open and staring at the view passed him.

    “I was strolling by the neighbourhood.”

I feel a faint  smile tug my lips. “You're lying, aren't  you?”

He takes a sharp breath, and answers after a short, excruciating silence. “Darn. How can you see through that?”

My eyes cast on his mole that was just chilling on his left cheek. I try to make it seem like it was the best  thing  at the moment. Because if I don't. .I might explode with these surging feelings of mine.

Not a second later, a hand hovers in my sight and its fingers motion upwards. “Eyes here, Butterfly. Geez, you're  making me uncomfortable.”

I mumble, feeling my cheeks turn flushed red. “You're the one   making me stupid, short imbecile.”

   “I see. So this is how you repay my kindness?” he says in a sour tone. I could  see his feet tapping impatiently on the cold marble tile. “--I'm sorry I was ever worried about you. I guess you were alright after all, gorilla.”

   My cheeks became brighter and my ears pricked up when I hear him say those words. “You were worried”

  “Don't make me repeat myself!” he scowled. “—it's embarrassing enough to say it once,  let alone twice.”

“Alright,” I replied, feeling his piercing gaze melt me. “—so you just came by to see me?”

“About that,” he replies weary, as if something he said was going to be bad. Was he going to say he doesn't want to be friends with me? Or that I'm annoying and leave him alone?

Those thoughts were even to make me feel queasy and my stomach churning from the bad possibilities that racked my mind. “I was wondering if uhm, you, uh, wanted to go the park with me.”

   “I've heard that Love Sentence was going to do a free concert near the park and I thought that..maybe you'd like to go.”


    To say I was relieved--was beyond that. I thought for a second he was going to end our friendship--but it wasn't. I involuntarily let out a relieved and tensed up chuckle.

I could feel Marco look at me like I was mental but I didn't care. It was like a heavy weight had came off my shoulders and I was scared if somehow he said what I least wanted to happen.

"You do know you're technically asking me on a date," I clarify, staring now at the rug that I stepped upon with the words "Welcome home."

"--and that you're leading me on."

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