I m p o r t a n t

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It's been three weeks since I've last updated and so many things had happened in my life.

   And I was thinking.... I'm maybe going to discontinue this book.

     Now, before you put up that pitch fork, hear me out.

     I've tried writing drafts for the next chapter but I just don't feel it. It's like this book lost my spark. Same thing with my other on-going book.

    I'm not sure if I can update, but if I really go forward with my decision, then I'll publish the last chapter I wrote and that would be the closure of this book.

I might laugh at this because I sound silly and it probably wouldn't be a problem, or I might really discontinue this book.

But if I do, then I'm sorry and thank you for all your support. This would be my last Starco book. I've been in this fandom for four years, writing the fanfics since 2016 and maybe it's time to say goodbye.

I probably won't even write anymore. But, I'll still finish JanTom Complete Opposites and publish the original plots of the books' Starco : Friendzoned, It All started with A Shoe and Boy Next Door.

Anyway, I'll at least try again and write a new draft for now.

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