Kill or Kiss Me? II|Library

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C h a p t e r S e v e n t e e n -
L i b r a r y

(A.N : I think Wattpad deleted the words on my last chapter, but I'll fix it soon. For people who didn't get to read it, the last chapter was about Star and Marco competing for who gets the highest score and Star going on the concert with Marco on Christmas eve.)


Today was Saturday.

That could either mean two things; I could just cram everything by Sunday night, or I'd be a good student and start studying at this moment.

But, somehow the first choice feels right for someone like me. I mean I'm not the brightest student, but atleast I barely pass the exams, that counts right? Then I remembered I had a mission to do.

Beat Marco Diaz.

Marco Diaz is an enemy of mine. Whenever the test results came up, he gets ahead of me by two or three points. When it comes to history, I get higher grades than him but in everything else, I don't. People often mocked the both of us if we're trying for the lowest grade as a stunt but I swear I don't.

If I needed to beat Diaz, then I'll just have to ask help from someone I know who can help me defeat that midget.

I dial the numbers on my phone then I pressed the phone on my ear as I waited for her to pick up. A few seconds I hear it pick up, followed by an. "Hello?"

I smile, responding from the other line. "It's me, Star."

"It's kinda rare of you to call," she replied. "---is something the matter?"

I walked in circles, holding the phone to my ear as I stare at my mint green ceilings. "Are you free right now? I kinda need your help. You see, I'm trying to beat that midget on the exams and I need..tutoring."

"Is that alright?" I say in an unsure tone, waiting for her response. I mean there's no other option for me. I can't just let Diaz beat me and show me that sh-t eating grin as he looks down on me and whisper "pathetic".

"Oh sure!" she replies, giddy. "--let's meet by the library at 1. Does that sound good?"

I nod like an idiot, then I realized I was on the phone with her and she couldn't see that. I settled with an 'okay' and dropped the call.

I glanced at the wall clock and groaned. It was currently ten o'clock and I just woke up from a deep slumber. I mentally cursed myself for sleeping late and now I didn't have much more time to watch the television.


I arrived on the library at exactly 1 in the afternoon. I wore my beanie, some casual shirt and jeans as I pull my hair in a messy bun. My hands were occupied by the books I've brought and a bag slung on my shoulder containing notebooks and stationary.

I was in the midst of finding Jackie when I feel like I bumped into someone. I look down, amidst the books in my hand and mutter when I see it was the midget I bumped into.

"Watch it, giant," he gives me a glare.

"Well I'm sorry that you're short I can't see you," I hiss, making him sneer. He nudges me by the sides, earning me a winch. "What's a dumbo like you doing at the library?"

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