G i f t

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So this book is going to end soon and so is my writing of Starco fanfics (except for the original plots to be published soon.)

As a gift, you can comment down below and pick one of these choices.

1) FanArt (If so, what scene or art would you like to see? Only from the characters in this book.)

2) Questions. (Any questions for the author, characters or clarifications?)

3) Dedication.

4) Special Chapter (What would it be all about? You can also make yourself a character.)

And to get this wish fulfilled, you must answer these questions.

1)Who's your favourite character?

2)What scene from the book is your favourite?

And if no one comments, then welp. Let's just pretend this didn't happen. ༼;´༎ຶ۝ ༎ຶ༽

D e a d l i n e. : O c t o b e r  8, 2 0 2 0

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