Book III|Chapter Fifty

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Thank you for 5k reads! I'll post something later. But, enjoy the chapter.
Exams are over so I'm free now. (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。

Chapter Fifty : Date

(Little recap cause I think yall forgot the last chappie. Star and Marco gets teased as the new 'couple' with Janna and Tom at their shocking relationship too. Star rejects the offer cause her and Marco will go on a date as planned.)

   "No," I groaned, staring at my reflection with my clear blue eyes reflected on the glossy mirror.

    This was the fifth time I already tried to fix my bangs, but to no avail, it looks worse every single time. It's either too weird, curly, flat or too much volume.

    Now I know Marco probably wouldn't even noticed. He's a dense rock sometimes, but small details are important too, you know? Like that silver necklace could complete your outfit--those types of small details.

       With one last flick, I groaned, finally stepping back from the cursed mirror not looking back or I'll spend another minute trying to fight with my bangs to an agreement.

       All I gotta do is wait for Marco. I sigh, exhausted already with just prepping myself. Trying to impress your boyfriend huh, I could kind of get that.

     I tapped my feet, the sound of my heels clicking together as I hummed a random tune while I wait there on the front couch.

     Boyfriend. I have a boyfriend now and that just happens to be the guy I loathed. A small smile escaped my lips. That midget is my boyfriend all right.

    As if on cue, the doorbell rings and I immediately spring up from seating on the couch, my movements a bit too haste as I touch the knob of the door and burst it open.

      To say the least, Marco is well...him. He's wearing his usual choice of clothes, an unzipped hoodie with grey tshirt underneath and some slacks paired with sneakers.

     He looks at me, then couldn't help but inspect me head to toe with a sheepish look. He looks away, bringing up a hand to his neck and shyly murmurs. "You look...nice."

     I smile. "Thanks. You look slick yourself too."

    "Let's go?" he ushers and I nod, stepping outside and closing the door behind us. Thankfully my dad isn't around. I could just about imagine the ruckus he'd cause when he sees me and Marco together.

    Let's just say that my father loves me too much that he's like those typical, I won't give you my baby, type of fathers. But he's sometimes goofy so I hope at least he'll accept Marco--when the time comes.

     "Did you eat already?" Marco speaks after a long silence, eyes still trailed in front of him.

      "I did," which was a total lie. I've read in magazines and websites that I should at least fast before the date, so I made an attempt not to eat anything, even though my mouth was watering with the freshly bought doughnuts at the refrigerator.

    I'll just eat them later, and slip in to some comfy pajamas with the television on. Yeah, that sounds good.

      Silence, again. I fiddled with my bag as we kept walking through the busy street with noises everywhere--except us and the loud drumming of my heart.

    This was to be expected. It's still awkward especially when things suddenly change between him and me, but I'm pretty sure things will get better.

     I pause when I feel Marco's hands brush against my own. I pretend not to know but it's obvious with our fiddling. Our hands brush one last time before slowly intertwining our fingers.

       I stole a glance at Marco and he looks far away with a slight tint to his cheeks. I've also come go notice how easily flustered Marco is, especially when we're doing things like this. I silently chuckled, squeezing his hand tight.

     We may be amateurs at this, but we'll do things the way we always do.
"Where do you want to go?" he murmurs, both of us coming to a halt when we were in the center of the city already.

    "What do people do on dates?" I inquired.

    He huffed at me. "How should I know? Do you think I've dated anyone?"

   "Want to watch a movie then for starters?" I suggested. 

He shrugs. "If that's what you want, then alright."

And so we made our way to the cinemas.

. . .

   "I hate chick flicks!" Marco screeches, pointing at the poster with a scrunched nose. "--ugh, I will not sit down for two hours watching some love story written like a twelve year old with the most over used plots!"

 "For your information, it's not horrible!" I jabbed a finger at him. "--and how dare you insult the hottest actor right now? You're a toe compared to him!"

"Shut up, gremlin!" he points a finger. "---you have the worst taste seriously."

"Well you're blind as a bat I tell you!" I hollered. "--stop looking from your rear end, will you?"


We both stared at each other in anger, then huffed, looking away with arms both crossed. In the end, even if we are lovers, the thing that will never change is our constant bickering.

I stole a peek at Marco and sighed. "Let's settle it by playing rock and scissors."

He reluctantly looks at me, then scoffs. "Alright. Prepare to lose, Butterfly."

"Oh yeah? Well prepare to let your ego sink down lower than your own height," I cackled like an ugly witch, then we both put on our competitive gazes. This was the battle between life and death.


Sweat literally trickled down my forehead as our hands shook. "Papers.."

And with one last hurrah, we both screeched, eyes strained heavily on our hands. "Scissors!"

The winner was..

"Suck on that, Diaz!" I squeal in glee, pulling my tongue as I circled around him while he looked at me in exasperation, further sinking down.

"Curse you, Star."

I smiled, unapologetic. "What can I say? I'm just a diva."

October 23,2020

Part Two will come soon. I was supposed to combine them but I wanted to publish this as fast as I could and I was lazy, so sorry about that. My brain is still jarred from the exams UwU

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