Chapter Thirty - The Chase

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"Hey, you guys picked a great campsite, the grass is so soft," Toph said.

"That's not grass, Appa's shedding," Sokka said taking the sleeping bags off the saddle.

"Gross," Katara said raising her one foot.

"That's not gross it's just a part of spring, you know, rebirth, flowers blooming and Appa gets a new coat," Aang said smiling widely.

"Ah, the beauty of spring," Katara said. At that Appa sneezed coming with a cloud of white fluffy fur.

Iris just blew the fur away from her face before she was able to sneeze as well but Katara started coughing "Stop... Appa, stop!"

"It's not that bad, Katara, it makes a great wig!" Sokka said making a white wig from Appa's fur.

"And a great beard," Aang said with a white beard on his face.

"Or we can start a campfire," Iris said picking the soft fur off the ground in her fist.

"I'm just glad we finally have another girl close to my age in the group because you two are disgusting," Katara said pushing the fir off her clothes.

"Are you saying I'm old?" Iris asked offended.

"Comparing to me: yes," Katara said.

"Excuse me does anyone have a raiser because I have some hairy pits," Toph said raising her hands revealing the white fur within her sleeves.

Aang and Sokka started laughing, only Katara and Iris stared at them for a moment. But Katara pulled it off and she laughed as well. Iris just shook her head and she smiled a little...Kids... She thought.

Building camp took everyone's help. Sokka brought some wood and Iris started making some fire, while Aang set up the tents and Katara cooked dinner. Toph just lied on the ground with a wheat in her mouth glancing blankly at the sky.

"So, Toph, usually when setting up camp we try to divide up the work," Katara said walking towards her.

"Hey, don't worry about me, I'm good to go," Toph said.

"Well, actually what I'm trying to say is, some of us might fetch water, some other might set up the fire pit or put up the tent, even Momo does his fair share," Katara said as Momo came flying giving her some nuts.

"Katara, I'm fine, I can care my own weight. I don't need a fire, I've already collected my own food and look..." Toph said creating an earthy tent "...tent is all stand up..."

While the two girls were about to end up in a fight the other three were watching them. Sokka leaned over at Iris whispering "How do you think this will end?" he asked

"To a fight probably..." Iris answered. She turned around ignoring them and she walked towards Appa.

Iris helped her brother to take off the saddle using their air bending. She had to admit herself, she left the saddle fall purposely on Sokka, who winced loudly.

"Oops, sorry!" Aang said immediately and he picked the saddle as Iris helped Sokka stand on his feet with a smile on her face.


"There's something coming toward us!" Toph's voice heard loudly.

Aang pushed his face out of Iris's embrace and the two siblings looked at Toph, as Katara and Sokka got out of their tent as well.

"What is it?" Aang asked.

Toph knelt and she placed her hand on the ground "It feels like an avalanche, but also non avalanche," Toph said confusedly.

When Hatred turned to Love (ATLA Zuko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now