Chapter 4

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I haven't received a reply from Cheryl after sending her a DM yesterday which isn't really a surprise.Im just nobody,she probably has lads of people in her DMs craving her attention and i bet she doesn't even know where to start.My Friends have came over to bully me into going on a night out,but to be honest i don't really feel like it,not today.

“You haven’t had a night out in forever, Please Kimbers! ” Sarah pleads sitting on the arm of the sofa that me and Nicola are both sitting on.

“If you don’t come we aren’t going and you don’t want to ruin our nights do you?” Nicola says to me. Great. Emotional blackmail.

“It’s a Monday night”

“And?” Both girls say at the same time making me giggle.

“I would but I have Paisley, my parents are out tonight and I don’t have a babysitter”

“Me and Sally will have her” Amy chimes in from the other end of the living room, her eyes glued on the TV and Paisley sitting on her lap playing with the tips of Amy’s long hair, I didn’t even realise she was listening.

“Yes! Sarah shouts throwing both arms in the air like she’s just won the lottery or something.

“What, You?” I question her raising one eyebrow.

“Well yeah why not? Sally will be back from work at 9 it isn’t like I have anything better to do is it?”

“You do actually. You have exams to revise for this is a really important year for you, you know” I know how important the last year of school is, I got pregnant and unfortunately I didn’t get to sit half my exams which means I have no qualifications. As much as I love my daughter this isn’t exactly thee life I dreamt of as a little girl and I want my little sister to be able to do anything she dreams of and I know she has the rain to do that.

“I know I know, I need a break from that shit” She rolls her eyes probably sick of hearing me say that same thing day in day out.

“’That shit’ determines your future, do you want to end up like me?” I say looking at her across the room.

“Look you know I love sending time with Paisley, i honestly don’t mind and Paisley wants to stay with me don’t you Pais”

“Yess!” She says enthusiastically.

“Are you sure?” I ask with a raised eyebrow and Nicola sighs in mock exhaustion.

“How many times do you want her to say it? The poor girl”

“Fine! You win, but not for too long! I cave in and I’m startled by Sarah’s body being flung into my arms.

“Get in!!!” She shouts raising a fist in the air and almost strangling me with her other arm.

“Get off me you lunatic” I laugh and push her onto the sofa.


I stare at my reflection in the large mirror hanging on my bare bedroom wall. I pout my naturally plump lips and run the tip of my ruby red lipstick along them before smacking them together with a loud ‘smack’ noise. I pout once again and turn to the side letting out a sigh.

“I don’t know about this dress, Sarah” I moan pulling at the hem of my little black dress which clings to my natural curves. Its short maybe too short but Sarah insisted on me wearing it just like she insisted on me joining her and Nicola for a night out on the town in a club Nicola somehow managed to get VIP wristbands for.

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