Chapter 40

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Our early morning drive across California to Disneyland wasn’t exactly what we had planned, it turns out Cheryl was unable to hire a car for a few days due to her not having a valid driving license for the US, we stupidly assumed her British one would be fine but obviously not so instead we spent over an hour in a car with a driver we have never met before. Thank god Paisley was awake and talking our heads off or it would have been very awkward due to his lack of communication skills and his rude attitude, he obviously hates his job. Despite our trip here not being as expected the Disneyland hotel we are staying in is fantastic, by the beds are little Mickeys and in the lobby we were greeted by everyone’s favourite Disney characters which overjoyed Paisley by the look on her face I thought she was going to explode with excitement.

We’re now walking through Disneyland’s main street and Cheryl has her nose buried in a Disney map she grabbed from the lobby while I push the pushchair up the long path surrounded by unique buildings that look like they have been pulled straight out of a cartoon. “We could go this way” She says from behind the paper in her hands.

I look at what she’s looking at and she runs her finger along the map. “What about this way?” I suggest pointing at something completely different. Cheryl laughs and folds the map in half, neither Cheryl or myself have been here before and we never knew it was this big, it’s a good job we have a couple of days here to see what we want to see and do what we want to do.

“Let’s just walk and see where we end up, this map is a load of rubbish”

“Or maybe your map reading skills are just a load of rubbish” I laugh and she nudges me in the side.

“Well look at it its covered in cartoon pictures and bright colours, it’s confusing!”

“Mummy! Can we go there?” Paisley asks from in her pushchair. She has her Minnie mouse doll she got for her birthday sitting on her lap, I’ve never seen her look so excited or unbelievably cute in her denim playsuit and white converse, she’s defiantly dressed for the scorching hot Californian weather which seems to be getting hotter by the day defiantly an improvement on the rainy, cold days we have back in London, I wish we could take the weather back home with us im sure our friends and family would appreciate it.  From her pushchair she’s pointing to a shop with people crowding through a small entrance. Cheryl jumps up and down holding onto the pushchair handle.

“Oh my god can we?! It’s one of the shops! We can get ears!”

She’s pleading with me like an excited child and she defiantly looks like one. i laugh at the cute expression on her face, on the plane coming to the US it was her making fun of me for ‘acting like a child’ and now she’s doing the exact same. “Come on then but no ears are going on my head”

“Aww, wear some with us”

“Chez, I’m not wearing any”

After managing to squeeze through the groups of people into the store both Cheryl and Paisley’s eyes lit up as they took in every detail around them. “Put these on!” Cheryl shouts from across the room and she comes bouncing over to me with a pair of pink sequence mouse ears completed with a pink polka dot bow, she already has a similar pair on top of her head and now she’s now sticking these ones on top of mine.

“I’m not wearing these” I protest but she ignores me and runs her fingers through my hair letting it fall perfectly over the novelty head band.

“Err … yes you are” She turns me around by my shoulders and shows me my reflation in the mirror in front of us I look ridiculous.  “See! You look adorable”

“I look stupid!”

“We’re at Disneyland you’re allowed to look stupid”

I go to take them off but Cheryl pouts at me. “Please wear them, we are” She complains looking at Paisley who has a pair on her head too. I bet any amount of money that she will be sick of them and they will be in the back of the pushchair in less than 15 minutes of leaving the shop.

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