Chapter 31

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Im sorry this is so bad, boring and short! 

I watch Cheryl as she lets down her hair. Her dark curls drop around her face and she runs her fingers through the front of it moving it away from her face. I continue to watch her, she runs her fingers under her eyes then blinks a few times.

“What are you doing?” I laugh and she looks up.

“I have something in me eye”

“An eyeball”

“Har har!”

“Come on, come to bed” I hold my hand out and she takes it. I pull her up so she’s close to me and she tucks my hair behind one ear.


I scrunch up my nose and I shake my head. “Nah”

“Oi, Give us a kiss now” She says sternly and I chuckle giving in and kissing her while cupping her face in both hands. Once I let go of her she shuffles under the duvet curling up against my side. My arm goes around her almost subconsciously and she shuffles closer to me resting her arm against my stomach.

“I missed you last night”

”I missed you too, I didn’t know what to do with myself all on my own” I pout and she raises an eyebrow “You didn’t? You seemed to know just what to do when I was away in Newcastle” She wiggles the raised eyebrow and I laugh rocking into her side.

“You’re so dirty minded, I didn’t mean like that!”

“Well you make us think off dirty things”

“Any excuse!”

“It’s true!” She argues.

“Ok then, you know all this paparazzi business will get sorted don’t you?”

“I don’t know Kimberley, even if I do take out a injunction they will still be able to take pictures in public places and there’s no guarantee on them giving it to me”

“But at least it’s something, at least they can’t come here”

“That’s true” She rests her head on my shoulder and plants kisses against my jaw line before getting settled. We fall into a comfortable silence if you listen closely you can hear the grunts and snores from both the dogs as they sleep in Paisley’s room. I smooth out her hair running my fingers through it away from her face and she continues to kiss my skin.

“I love you” I say randomly and she flutters her eyes up to me looking through her thick ebony lashes. Through the dim light I can still see how amazingly beautiful they are.

“I love you too” She whispers and she tilts my head down to kiss her. “Kimberley…?”


“Are you okay?”

“Of course I am, why do you ask?”

“Well after today and everything”

“I’m fine; I thought we were over that?”

“We are I just want you to know that you can talk to me about anything you know, I won’t judge or make assumptions”

“I know”

It falls silent again, this time it’s an awkward silence I feel like I can almost hear her thinking. I already know the questions she’s asking herself, she’s wondering about the subject I don’t want to get into. The subject which is, Jason. The man that makes me feel physically sick to my stomach just picturing his face.

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