Chapter 15

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I stand in the living room eagerly waiting for Cheryl’s car to arrive. I’m so nervous and I’m not sure why but I am. It’s just Cheryl, she’s seen me looking dog rough in the mornings but still I want to make a good impression. I’ve made a special effort for her which I’m not used to doing. I want her to look at me and say ‘wow’. My curves are squeezed into a red short dress, I got it a while ago but never wore it. I haven’t had something special to wear it for and now I have.

“So aren’t you going to tell us anything about this mystery man?” Sally asks. All my family have been picking my brains all afternoon trying to find out a little something about my date but I’ve refused to tell them anything, if only they knew.

“It’s no use, her lips are sealed” Amy laughs and I nod in agreement.

“She’s right”

Sally rolls her eyes dramatically at me and lets out a sigh. “You look beautiful anyways, any man that’s getting this tonight is lucky” She says running my hair through her hand. I hear a car horn beep outside and I race my sisters to the window. It’s her, its Cheryl. My sisters both ran to the window behind me trying to get a peak of the person sitting in the front. Luckily for me the side windows are blacked out and from the way the car is parked you can’t tell who is in the drives seat much to my relief, I know eventually they will find out but I rather It wasn’t tonight.

“Paisley, Give mummy a kiss” I tell my daughter and I hold her hand as she leans in to kiss me her eyes still fixed firmly on the TV.  

“Bye“ she mumbles.

“I’ll see you in the morning baby” I kiss her head one last time and grab my bag from the sofa.

“Bye girls” I grin at my sisters before going into the hallway and shouting up the stairs to my mum. She comes to the top of them and smiles at me.

“Have fun, I’ll be wanting all the details in the morning”

“Thank you and that’s probably not going to happen” I chuckle “And thanks again for watching Paisley for me I appreciate it” I add.

“Don’t mention It now hurry your admirer is waiting”

I chuckle to myself and quickly make my way to the car, I’m starting to get butterflies as I get nearer to it. I get in and instantly close the door behind me and turn to Cheryl who is grinning like the Cheshire cat.

“Wow! You look absolutely gorgeous” Is the first thing that leaves her mouth making me feel amazing about myself.

“Thank you” I blush “You do too” And she really does, I can’t really see her dress as she’s sitting down but her hair is in big ringlets hanging perfectly and her makeup is amazing, she’s beautiful, she always looks beautiful.

Her diver pulls off and I relax immediately being away from my house.

“Do I not get a kiss like?” Cheryl asks in her usual cheeky tone.

“Just a quick one” I lean in to give her a quick peck on the cheek and get a quick wif of her perfume, she even smells good. “Where are we going?” I ask looking out the windows having no clue where we are.

“It’s a surprise” She says happily.

“Tell me!”

“Nope” She pretends to lock her mouth and throw awa the key.

“Why not?” I now pout and she giggles.

“Because then it wouldn’t be a surprise would it?”

“I guess not”


We pull up to a fancy restaurant in town and paparazzi are starting to emerge from almost everywhere making my stomach turn just thinking about leaving the car, how do they even know we are here? It’s ridiculous.

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