Chapter 5

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I walk into the club linking arms with Sarah and followed close behind is Nicola hand in hand with her long term boyfriend, Charlie. I leave the cold night air behind and walk nervously straight into the VIP area of a nightclub called ‘Halos’ without a single trouble. I’m pleasantly surprised by the scene in front of me I have never been in VIP before and I’m only now here because Charlie is friends with the owner. My senses adjust to the smell of smoke and sweat from the energetic clubbers illuminated by the neon lights dotted around the room and my eyes immediately adjust to the sudden darkness. The pop music drowns the sound as it blares from the speakers the heavy bass makes adrenaline pump through my body.I feel so alive and I’m yet to have a drink.

“Go sit down, we’ll get the drinks in” Nicola shouts into my ear and with that I nod in agreement and along with Sarah slide along the white leather of one of the many booths along the wall.I watch Nicola as she stands at the bar n the arms of her boyfriend that she dotes on. Ive never liked him, I never will.Hes cheated on her countless times, to be honest I think he’s a sleaze bag but tonight I shall be civil not wanting to risk ruining anyone’s night.

“Got your eye on anyone?” Sarah shouts and I shake my head.

“We’ve been here like 5 minutes”

“And?” She nods her head in the direction of blonde man standing with a glass tightly gripped in his hand surrounded by people I assume to be his friends. “Just look at him, hes gorgeous” She gasps and I laugh at her.

“Not my type”

“But he’s mine”

“Careful Sarah you’re starting to drool”

“Im not the only one” She again nods her head in his direction but my eyes are immediately brought to the man standing next to him. He’s tall and thick with stubble. He’s staring at me and as he raises the glass to his lips he smiles at me.

“fuck sake” I mumble reverting my eyes away from hm.

“You’re in there, Kimbers!” Sarah shrieks and I hit her lightly.

“Oh my god Sarah, shut up!” I cover my face in embarrassment. Sarah just cackles and cheers as Nicola and Charlie return to us with a tray of shots.

“We got a few rounds in”

“I can see that” 

“Shots! Shots! Shots!” Sarah chants enthusiastically holding a glass in the air. I take a glass and hold it to my lips. “1,2 … 3”

I throw the transparent liquid down my neck and the burning sensation in my throat makes me scrumple up my face. “Shit” I curse and I look at Sarah who looks completely unbothered, she  is already onto her second. She isn’t Hardcore Harding for nothing.

After a few more drinks I am slightly tipsy and let’s just Say Sarah is a bit worse for wear. Nicola is shoving her tongue down Charlie’s throat and Sarah has me by my arm dragging me over to my awaiting admirer and the man she has been gawking at all night. I put up a fight but soon gave n knowing that Sarah wasn’t having any of it. As I approach him he smiles at me, his smile is rather creepy and his eyes kind of scary I just can’t put my finger on it but there is something about him I don’t like.

“I’m David” He holds out his hand and I reluctantly take it.

“Kimberley” I force a smile. Sarah nudges me in the arm and winks before staggering towards the man she’s had n her sights.

“Can I get you a drink?” He asks politely and I nod in agreement, just one drink wont hurt then I can make my excuses and go.

We walk to the bar brushing past the sweaty bodies of the dancing young people on the dance floor and wait for the barman to return from the back room. I feel out of place here, it isn’t really me. The neon lights illuminate his face making his stubble create dark shadows on his face, the more i look at him the more I realise he really isn’t my type at all, what even is my type? “You look fuckable in that dress” He slurs his bad breath curling in my face. What a great personality, not. With his looks and personality he really doesn’t have much going for him, I don’t even know why I’m still standing here in his company. His eyes wander to my cleavage and i self-consciously pull up my dress covering the flesh he most want to see.

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