Chapter 29

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After calming down and having a good cry on Nicola’s shoulder I’ve decided that of course I couldn’t stay there all night and I had to go home and face the music despite it being 10pm.I promised I would be back so here I am. It’s never stopped raining all day, the weather is just as miserable as I feel. I carry Paisley through the rain from Nicola’s car to the front door. Nicola bathed her and got her dressed in her pyjamas so I could just stick her in bed when we get in, she’s been napping throughout the day which explains why she isn’t the slightest bit tired. I don’t know what I would have done without Nicola today. Once again she’s been my rock. Paisleys shouting and waving over my shoulder to Nicola as she pulls away in her car. She has been driving me up the wall and I’m not sure if it’s just because I’m in a bad mood but her attitude is getting terrible. You would think she was a teenager the way she speaks to me at times not two years old. After her temper tantrum getting in the car I’ve already told her as soon as she steps foot in the house she’s straight upstairs to bed. She needs to learn she can’t behave like this, she can’t start nursery acting this way.

I take a deep breath before pushing down the handle on the sturdy front door but its locked. If Cheryl was home she wouldn’t have locked it knowing I was coming back. I just about manage to pull my keys out my pocket and I open it without a struggle. If Cheryl was still home the keys would have been in the other side but they aren’t. Normally I would be greeted by her bouncing out a room with dimples on full show but not today which isn’t surprising. The house is silent and it’s in complete darkness, it doesn’t look like she’s home but still I call her name in hope I receive a reply. I don’t hear a sound so I stand Paisley on the floor and she straight away folds her arms over her chest.


“No!” She whines dropping down to the tiles exactly in the place I had left Cheryl earlier today. I’m worried about her. Its 10pm and I was expecting her to be tucked up in bed waiting on my return but maybe that’s a stupid thing to have expected. I have been vile to her today and I’m sure if I was her and this whole situation was flipped I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be faced with her after everything.

“Its 10pm Paisley” I take her hand and go to pull her up from the floor but with her back arched and her legs kicking violently its proving rather difficult.

“I want Cheryl”

“Well you can’t have her, she’s not here” I manage to stand her up but she lets her legs go limp beneath her, throwing herself back to the cold floor. This is all I need right now, i don’t know how much longer I will be able to cope with this. She’s getting beyond a joke.

“Bed!” I say sterner then last time pointing at the stairs I’m desperate for her to disappear up.

“I don’t want you” She cries pushing my legs.

“Well you have me” I swing her up from the floor trying my best to ignore the screams and the harsh kicking of the feet. I carry her up the stairs and into her bedroom, still no sign of Cheryl upstairs but I can’t say it surprises me, I know she isn’t home. I pull the covers back and sit her on her bed, she’s still crying but it’s just because she isn’t getting her own way, no tears are visible.

“You’re mean” She sniffs wiping at her eyes, her sobs of anger are coming to a slow stop as she finally stops putting up a fight knowing that today I won’t be giving in.

“And I’m tired so please go to sleep”

“But i-“

“Go to sleep Paisley”

I pull the covers over her and she sits back up. “But-“


“Dummy!” She screams at me pounding her fists into the matrass. I sigh and get it and bring it back to her. She snatches it from my hand and puts it straight in her mouth.

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