Chapter 53

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“You come with us?”

“I wish I could Pai, come here yous two” Sarah pulls me into  a strong one armed hug with Paisley still in the other. She quickly replaces my embrace with Cheryl’s and she again kisses Paisley’s cheek. It seems like it took forever to get here but finally it’s the day we fly off to Belfast for the first show of Cheryl’s well anticipated tour. Tonight we’re flying to Belfast, we’ve said our goodbyes to everyone but Sarah and now she’s stood in our hallway acting like we’re travelling around the world and never coming back. I think I’m going to have to force Paisley out of her arms. We’ll be back to do a show in London in just four days, my family and my friends all have tickets so it’s not like we won’t be seeing them for a while.

“Take loads of pictures for me won’t you, even know I’ll be looking at every show online”

“Of course we will, we’re seeing you in just four days remember?”

“Oi! That’s a long time for us” I laugh and hug her one more time holding onto her for a second longer then before, she kisses Paisley and finally has the strength in her to put her down. “I can’t wait for the show by the way, neither can Nicola and Nadine is beside herself with excitement”

“I’ll give you a wave on stage”

“Oh my god, really?!”

“Yes” Cheryl laughs rubbing her arm. “Calm yourself down Pet you’re acting like one of me fangirls”

“I am a fangirl, I might be a Chezbian too” She swings her arm and she hits Cheryl’s backside making her jump and grab it with an ugly laugh which amuses me. Sarah pretends to flick her hair and she grabs her handbag and throws it over her shoulder.

“Do you mind touching my girlfriend?” I joke and I fold my arms while raising a single eyebrow. “That booty belongs to the Kimba”

“I better go then before I get socked in the mouth and If I don’t leave now I never will… Have a good time munchkin and you two look after her or I’ll come looking for you both” Paisley giggles and I scrunch my nose up at her.

“We will pet, get yourself going I don’t want any tears today”

“I know I’m holding it together here! Have a safe flight and everything, phone me when you land”

“I will I will”

It takes a while to actually get her out the door, what’s she like? After saying our very long and over dramatic goodbyes to Sarah I turn around to see Paisley’s legs flying in the air as Cheryl spins her around letting out a squeal of what I assume is excitement.  “We’re going to Belfast baby!” She cheers and Paisley fit pumps the air while ‘woop wooping”

“We won’t be going anywhere if you both don’t get ready, our taxi will be here in 10”

“Aren’t you excited babe?”

“I can’t wait, I’m trying to contain it because lord help us if we’re all bursting of excitement, one of us has to think rationally”

“And that’s why I love you” Her hands grip my T-shirt and she pulls me forward straight inro her lips.

“Come on” Paisley sighs pulling on my top and I pull away from Cheryl dragging her bottom lip with me making her giggle.

“eh … babe?”


“We’re already ready to go we just need our coat and shoes on its you that needs to go change” She cheekily says looking down at my sesame street pyjama bottoms I’m still yet to change from. “Unless you want to go in them?”

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