Chapter 39

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“I’m too hot” Paisley complains once again, since we landed here yesterday this is all we’ve been hearing. I have her hand in mine and Cheryl’s in the other as we start to have a stroll up the boardwalk. A few cameras have been seen but they are from a safe distance so I really can’t complain, I don’t mind them doing their job as long as they don’t put any of us in danger as they are doing so and closing in around us so we can’t move is defiantly putting us in danger, especially my three year old daughter.

It’s noisy here from all the street performers with their instruments and microphones, some people have speakers outside with them as they stand selling their things, the atmosphere here is great. The mouth-watering aroma of food coming from the different food stalls and restaurants swims through the air making me hungry even though we ate just before leaving the house, I think I’ll defiantly be returning home a few stone heavier. There’s so many people walking up and down its hard to walk at a normal pace but with Paisley walking beside me after refusing to bring her pushchair it’s not like we would be walking much faster even if we could, I told her we should have brought it but she’s getting even more independent as the days pass. “Oh my god, look at that dog!” Cheryl holds out her finger pointing to a dog wearing a pair of green sunglasses walking on a lead with a young woman with bright pink straw like hair. “We need some for Coco and Buster!”

I laugh and shake my head. “They would love that wouldn’t they?” We walk passed little stalls, one man is showing off his paintings with them all stood up around him nobody seems to be taking any interest though they skim their eyes over them as they walk passed but I haven’t witnessed anyone buying one of them, they’re good but they look expensive. All the shops lined up on both sides of us are open, the shutters are up and as we walk passed Paisley’s eyes are everywhere there’s so much for her to take in, I can tell just by her face she’s loving it.

“Watch out!” Cheryl calls as she yanks Paisley in front of her as a tanned boy with bleached blonde hair skates passed on a longboard nearly knocking her off her feet. “Dick head!” She shouts behind him but I doubt he’s heard through the blaring music blasting through his headphones into his ears. “is he serious?”

“Its fine, you’re fine aren’t you Pai?”

“mhm” She looks up at us pulling her eyes away from her surroundings. He isn’t the only on using a board of some type. There are so many people here on skateboards/ longboards/ bikes, the people here are an odd mix I must say. There’s everyone from young children and teenagers hanging out with their friends to big characters with brightly coloured hair. Cheryl warned me here would be a lot of people smoking weed but I didn’t think there would actually be this many. All in all it’s still beautiful if anything the diverse sets of people here are making the place even more attractive.

“Oh look!” I pull Paisley and Cheryl over to a man stood by one of the stalls where they have LPs displayed neatly on a red rug covering the concrete ground as soon as the neatly lined up records came into eyesight. The man selling them smiles as we approach him and he adjusts the hat balanced on his head.

“2 for $10” He shouts raising both his hands in the air. I crouch down to the floor and skim my yes over all the album cover art work, they have every genre of music here, reggae, hip-hop, jazz, urban everything. The excitement is too much as I start picking up LP after Lp and start packing them under my arm one by one.

“I knew I should have pulled you passed these” Cheryl laughs and Paisley takes one of the LPs from under my arm and she looks at it before running her hand over the cover.

“Its Bob” She informs Cheryl and Cheryl gasps.

“How does she know this is Bob Marley?” Cheryl questions me and I chuckle to myself.

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