Chapter 41

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“Kimberleyyy” Cheryl sings and I turn onto my other side with a groan. “Kimba”

“5 more minutes”

“You said that ages ago, come on!”

“4 minutes?”

“No, I’ve made your breakfast.” She gets on the bed and leans on me running her fingertips over my forehead pushing back my hair. “Baby please”

“Hmm” I pull the blanket further over my shoulder blocking me from the light.

“You’re driving us insane!”

“I don’t want to go home” I whine sounding like a young child.

“Neither do I but we have to”

“Well we don’t have too…”

“We do, don’t start you know I have rehearsals and stuff”

I grunt and she rolls off me and off the bed. She picks up a t-shirt I had discarded of last night and left on the floor and she tosses it to me. “Up now! You don’t want us to get Paisley do you?”

I sit up and run my hand over my face as my eyes adjust to the bright morning light. Cheryl is stood at the foot of the bed with her arms folded over her chest looking nothing less than serious. It’s never normally this way around, it’s normally me forcing her out of bed but I don’t want to get up and leave this beautiful country. This week has flew by way to fast, a week here is defiantly not long enough but like Cheryl said with her at rehearsals and preparing for the tour we really couldn’t have stayed longer much to all our disappointment. With just one afternoon left before flying back home we’re spending it at our favourite place, the beach. Where better could we spend the day? I can think of nothing better than soaking up the last rays of the glorious sun and add to our already glowing tans. I better make the most if it before being met by the cold winds and the heavy spits of rain we will most likely be greeted by when landing in our home land.

“I don’t even get a morning kiss” I grumble pulling the top over my head.

“Come here you grump” a smile appears on Cheryl’s face as she walks around the bed to fall forward on top me. I wrap my arms around her back and fall back into the pillows. She tilts her head up to quickly kiss me and just as quickly she pulls out of my embrace and passes me another item of clothing from the floor.

“That’s it?” 

“I’ve left Paisley outside, god knows what she’s up too, hurry up before your bacon gets cold”

With a cheeky smile on her face she leaves the room and I finally find the energy in me to drag myself out of bed. I pull on the pair of shorts she handed me to go downstairs in but before I leave my room I look in the mirror hanging on the wall in front of me. “I look dreadful” I mutter to myself as I run the tip of my finger under my eye. I better just tie my hair up and get down stairs before Cheryl has another go at me.  

I quickly jog down the stairs and make my way straight outside to where Paisley is sat around the circular outdoor table staring out into the empty beach. As she sees me come out she waves at me with her fork still in her hand.


“Morning, baby” I kiss her head as I walk passed her to join her at the table and Cheryl comes out with two plates in her hands. She puts the first down in front of me and she sits by my side. The food on my plate looks delicious much to my surprise. To say Cheryl can’t cook is an understatement, after sampling previous dishes she’s made im normally spectacle but this looks surprisingly good. “Look at you acting like a little house wife”

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