Chapter 83

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Let me know what you think! :) Do you think Kimberley is making the right decision or should she put her foot down?  

I’ve been awake for hours. I’m not sure exactly how long because right now time doesn’t matter, well not to me. It seems as if when I’m lying here with Cheryl time stops, it becomes irrelevant, or maybe I just want it to because I don’t want these moments to end. We’re curled up in bed, me and Cheryl. Paisleys here too, she’s curled up on Cheryl’s side. She’s hanging off the end but I doubt she cares; she looks content so I don’t want to move her and disturb her sleep especially when the dogs have settled at the bottom of the bed too. I’m half expecting Amy to come in as well since everyone’s seems to want to pile in this bed which isn’t really big enough. I doubt we would get anyone else on even if we tried.

I think about the rest of the world, I wonder what my family are doing now. I wonder if any of them are awake like I am. I wonder if my mum has sleepless nights like I do when I’m worrying about her daughter. I give Cheryl’s forehead blissful kisses one after the other, I don’t want to wake her but I can’t help myself much longer. Our legs are intertwined ,she’s moved her head so it’s on my shoulder and I’m sure she’s pressed a single kiss on my neck. Maybe I’m just imagining it, I’m not too sure.

“I’m so cold” I hear her whisper, her voice surprising me.

“You’re awake” I smile and she kisses my neck once again, she must have done it just before. “I’d offer you more blanket but I think Pai has most of it”

“Shes here?” She croaks raising from the matrass to twist around and see our daughter curled up beside her. Through the darkness I can still see her smile, I can see her eyes shining as she turns back around but not before she strokes her hair out of her face and kisses her flushed cheek.

“They’re all here, look at the bottom of the bed”

“Oh my god, they look so happy. Busters smiling to himself in his sleep the weirdo” Cheryl says dropping back down onto my arm then she shuffles closer to me as her arm slides over my bare stomach.

“After saying that I don’t think you have any right to call anyone a weirdo”

“What do you mean by that like?”

“You just said the dog was smiling, are you alright up there?”

“But look at him, he’s-“ I stop her from getting back up for tightening my grip on her and burying my face in the crook of her neck causing her to giggle a bit too loudly. “Kimba, let go of us. I’m going to wake the kids up”

The kids” I now laugh just as loud and she giggles with her hand over her mouth settling back down on my arm. “There’s one kid, the other two are dogs Chez, Dogs!”

We both fell back asleep again after giggling and chatting for what felt like forever the next time I open my eyes I’m big dragged from under the covers. Paisley hasn’t stopped jumping up and down, she’s hoping from one foot to the other while talking away animatedly. I haven’t really caught anything she’s saying to me. I’m still half asleep. The curtains have been pulled back and now I realise the blinds are back too with Cheryl stood in front of the window hiding under a beige jumper that’s far too big but she looks adorable in it, her fingertips hang out the bottom, she turns to look at me and its safe to say that she looks just as excited as Paisley. “Look baby!”

“Look mummy, look, look, look!”

“Okay, what am I looking at?” I croak still feeling not completely in this world. As I get to the window I see what they’re both in awe of. The whole garden is hidden under a thick white blanket of snow. Everything is white. The grass, the leafless trees, even Paisley’s toys she left scattered around the large area of what used to be green grass. The perfectly even ground will soon be ruined by footprints, its almost so perfect that I don’t want to step on it but I know it won’t be long before Paisley and probably Cheryl are begging to go out in the chilly weather.

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