Chapter 82

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True to her word Cheryl has in fact got out the Christmas jumpers and she’s put hers straight on and she’s looking quite pleased with it. It’s ugly in a cute sort of way. It splashes colours of green and red and it has little white reindeer dancing up and down it. She already has the Christmas songs on, they’re blaring out of one of her many speakers sat by the TV and I’m not sure I knew exactly what I was letting myself in for. She’s carrying one of the many cardboard boxes full of decorations from the cupboard under the stairs to the front room to dump on the floor which is now barely seeable, I can hardly even see the flooring. It’s covered in boxes and clutter from inside of them, I’m sure it’s not normal to have this many decorations. We even bought some new ones yesterday and now I see all of these I have no idea why.

“Have you seen what she wants us to wear?” Amy has a look of disgust on her face. She’s pushing out two jumpers similar to Cheryl’s in front of me. Paisley is already in hers, it isn’t as bad as the rest. Its actually quite cute. Its bright red with a cartoon Rudolf head on the front. The red nose is made out of a large red pom pom and Paisley is in love with it. I doubt she’ll even want to take it off.

“I’m sure she won’t make us wear them” I whisper to Amy but its loud enough for Cheryl to hear.

“Eh yes I will, I bought them specially! Get them on or I’m not speaking to either of you all day”

“We might get some peace then, eh?” Amy jokes nudging my arm and I laugh while Cheryl pulls a face of mock offense that’s she’s mastered the craft of. “I’m joking, I’m joking(!) I suppose I’ll put it on just for you”

“Good Lass, and you Kimba”

“I … Fine, you win!” I pull on the jumper and Amy does too before I start making jokes about how I’m going to post a picture of her wearing it on my Instagram for all of her friends to see. She actually got herself quite worried much to my amusement. The jumpers aren’t that bad but I wouldn’t go out in public wearing it, I doubt any of us would apart from Paisley and Cheryl who are over the moon with theirs. It baffles me why she didn’t pick some of the nicer ones in the shop.

“Ah you look so cute!”

“Okay, can you leave my cheeks alone? I think you’re going to squeeze them to death!”

“I could squeeze Pai to death ,look at how cute she looks man!”

Paisley turns her head to look at us. She’s found a red and white Santa hat in one of the boxes and she’s attempted to put it on her head, it’s a good attempt although it’s tilted to one side. “Im Santa, here mam” She grin and she extends a pair of Rudolf antlers out to us that Cheryl more than happily puts on. She runs her fingers through her hair and smiles comically.

“Oh god, you’re safe it there little one” Amy talks down to her ever so growing baby bump and she places a hand over it.

“Next year Aunty Chezza will get you a special jumper, don’t you worry, pet”

“I don’t doubt it, you might want to stay in there”

“I think not, Aunty Kimba is already in need of cuddles! Amy, think about this. This is your last Christmas without the responsibility of another little person” I tell her but she just smiles wider and moves her hand around in a circular motion.

“I know, its mental isnt it! I can’t wait until next year, it’s a bit scary though don’t get me wrong”

“Of course it is, just wait until Cheryl gets her hands on him or her. That will be scary, she’ll be getting all sorts of ugly jumpers and stupid hats”

“I heard that! Are you two going to help us or are you just going to stand there gassin’?”


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