Dungeon Chapter 53 - The Calm

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 ... to the massive fog machine. Immediately after the heavy wooden switch landed to its side, gears began to whir. There was a burst of hot air as the machine began to heat the rain water in its collection. And then a mist descended on the tower.

Link raised a hand above his brow as water began to cling to his cap. It wasn't a thick mist, he could still see Zelda standing beside him, but the structure of the building was fuzzy. He realized that as difficult as it would be for their enemies to see them, it would also be difficult for them to see their enemies. With wizzrobes able to flit so easily through the air as they were, he cast a glance back towards the switch.

"That was easy," Zelda commented, waving away a miniature cloud from her face. "So, what's next? Forwards or backwards?"

"I vote forwards," Sagi replied. "The rain would help us spot those wizzrobes better. Even if they can teleport, they still leave tells in the air."

"Fair enough." That seemed like a good enough start to Link. With as quick as those imps where, he'd take anything to get an advantage on them surprising him like they almost had a few minutes ago.

As they descended back down, the mist began to grow thicker. Taka and Sagi flapped their wings, creating gaps in the haze, but their visibility was undoubtedly even worse now. What cover they were provided also ran the risk of them walking off the side of the building. At least two of them had concerns about that, though neither of them said anything about it. Not yet at least.

As Taka opened the door opposite the one they had first entered though, Link and Zelda both hung back a step. Zelda pursed her lips as Link's jaw dropped a little at the thick wall of fog hanging outside the building, a sigh hanging in his throat. The rumble of thunder had diminished greatly, but Link doubted even this storm could see them through the mist that swirled through the air.

"Can you see the other side?" Link asked, walking over to the doorway beside Taka. Link couldn't see five feet into the clouds.

"It's a straight path, right? What's there to worry about?" Taka replied, looking back at Link. Despite the fact that they both knew the statement to be true, there was the slightest hesitant before both nodded.

Link stepped back. "Of course. Just a straight path." He took the lead, walking through the door. He tried to keep his eyes up as he walked forward, but reflectively found himself looking down at the grated path beneath him. It felt like walking over chicken wire. That was suspended hundreds of feet into the air.

A hand pulled Link back suddenly before he heard a sharp inhale from Sagi. The long neck of the Rito snaked by Link's head before he walked by Link to where Link had been standing moments ago. A few feet ahead, Sagi pointed a wing into the mist. "There's a tear in the walkway."

"Can you get across?" Taka called from the back of their procession.

"I'm sure I could, if I could see the other side," Sagi answered, turning back. "It would be more likely I would get attacked midair, or right as I landed."

"We'd also be separated," Zelda added. "If there were enemies over there, we wouldn't be able to help you without getting around the entire building."

Sagi looked back into the mist, then back at the group. "I can go as far as the other building and come back. See what there is to see."

"Don't risk it, Sagi." Taka pushed passed Zelda and Link. "It's not worth it. We can just take the long way around with these two."

"Besides," Link added, "we should be able to turn on that wind machine now back in the other building. It's not like we're losing anything going around like this. We'll get a better idea of what the whole Keep is like without have to relay it to you when we meet back up."

[EDITING] The Legend of Zelda: Goddess of SecrecyWhere stories live. Discover now