We both got dressed as quick ad we could and ran down the stairs. Our eyes couldn't believe the scene before us.
It was Grayson. And he was beating a guy up.
"Gray!" I called, pushing the people aside to get to him. The crowd did nothing but stand back in fear. Others seemed to enjoy the show, since they were recording the whole thing with their mobile phones.
Ethan separated Grayson from the random guy on the floor and I stood in between them. "Let's go, Ethan, we're taking him home" I said through greeted teeth.
"That's all you can do, Grayson? C'mon!" The guy on the floor stood up and extended his arms, testing Grayson's patience.
Grayson flared his nostrils and pushed Ethan aside harshly, causing him to fall on the ground. A groan escaped his lips as Grayson proceeded to throw another punch at the bleeding guy.
This time, he knocked him out.
"Grayson!" I called. "Stop it!" I pushed him.
He glared at me, sending me one of his most piercing looks, before wiping the blood from his lower lip and leaving the house.
I helped Ethan out and ran before Grayson.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Ethan yelled behind him.
Grayson clenched his jaw and flared his nostrils in annoyance. "You stay the fuck out of this" He pointed at Ethan with his index finger, pushing him afterwards.
Ethan lost his patience too, and ended up punching Grayson in the jaw. I gasped in fear, and pushed them apart. "Enough! The both of you!" I yelled.
They sent each other death glares, before walking away from each other. "Ethan" I called.
He shook his head. "Take care of him for me" He simply said before walking over to his car.
I sighed and ran after Grayson.
"Gray" I called.
No answer.
"Gray" I called again and catched up, standing right in front of him to stop him from walking any further.
"What." He spat.
"You're bleeding."
He sighed, wiping the blood from his cheek. "Let's just go back to your place" I nodded and drove us to the motel, where I took care of his wounds.
"Raine, will you please let us know what happened in that party" Luke said for the second time. I sighed and lightly pressed ice against Grayson's lip wound.
"He got into a fight"
"Did something happen?" Michelle asked concerned.
"I-I don't know" I said, somewhat guilty. "I just found him like that"
"I'm sure he'll be alright. Let us know if you need anything." Dominic said. He was so relaxed about the whole topic. He had always been. He was the calmest out of all of us.
Luke, Jack and Michelle left my room. Dominic was about to as well, that is until he remembered something.
"Oh, and uh," He trailed off "Don't forget you've got some business to do tomorrow night" He reminded me. I simply nodded and turned my head back to look at Grayson, who was already asleep.
Or seemed to be, because he began mumbling something.
"Gray?" I asked "Gray, what is it?"
"Raine" He mumbled.
"I love you" He mumbled slowly. "So, sooo much" He added. Grayson's eyes were closed, and it was hard to tell if he was dreaming or if he was speaking shenanigans while he was drunk.
But then again, a drunk mouth speaks a sober mind.
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