day 2 - cuddling somewhere

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Harry woke up early the next morning lying on his side, his free hand tucked under his head, and his other thrown across Malfoy's chest. He jolted when he realised that his head was lying in the crook of Malfoy's neck and shoulder, but didn't move, deciding Malfoy was much more endurable when he was asleep.

Suddenly, the memories of the previous night flooded into his head. He remembered that he and Draco had decided to push their beds together, as it was quite difficult trying to go to sleep while one of their arms was hanging uncomfortably between their beds. They must have unconsciously moved closer together during the night.

Surprisingly, Harry didn't feel unsettled. He liked how his hand rose and fell with every breath Draco took, and that their limbs were tangled up beneath the sheets. He also liked being able to study Malfoy's face without it being obscured by a sneer. He was actually quite attractive: his jawline was chiselled and square; his cheek bones were high and beautiful; his nose was cute as a button; his lips were the perfect shape and thickness; and when Harry looked at Draco's closed eyes, he knew that beyond the eyelids were eyes grey as the clouds of a September storm, with speckles of darker and lighter grey.

He couldn't move; didn't want to move. He found himself staring at Draco's somewhat beautiful face for so long that he eventually dozed off to sleep again.


Draco woke up with a start, the image of what he had just been dreaming of slowly vanishing in his mind's eye. He realised he was okay, and that Voldemort hadn't come back from the dead to hug him for a second time. Draco's head dropped back onto the pillow. It lulled to the side slightly and hit something. He moved his head and registered that Harry Potter was lying asleep on his neck.

He couldn't move. Potter just looked so peaceful. Draco couldn't properly see Potter's face, but his spiky jet black hair was visible at eye level, and Draco couldn't help himself as he lifted his free hand and began to stroke Potter's hair. It was surprisingly soft. Draco had always thought that he was the only one with hair smooth as silk, but Potter's was shockingly similar.

After a few moments of stroking Harry's hair, Draco realised that he was quite hungry, and also that he needed to relieve himself. He would have gotten up, but Harry's legs were tangled in his own, and their hands were still stuck together.

"Where's Granger when you need her?" he muttered to himself, rubbing his forehead with his free hand. He rolled over a little so that he was facing Potter, and then proceeded to poke him until he woke up.

Harry groaned. "Malfoy? What do you want?"

"A piss!" he said, tugging on Harry's arm and standing up, straining their arms as Harry remained in the same position. "Come on! Get up, you lazy git!"

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