day 4 - on a date

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Draco woke up the next morning with Potter's head on his chest. He tiredly lifted his and Harry's conjoined hands to check the time on his watch. It was quarter to nine, on what looked to be a sunny Saturday morning. After a moment of lying in bed, absent-mindedly stroking Harry's hair again, it dawned on him that it was the day before Halloween.

Draco had never really liked Halloween, especially since he had first seen his father clad in his full Death Eater get-up. The mask had scared him so much that he had sworn to never take part or support the foul tradition. Stupid, yes, but he didn't mind not liking something that most of the rest of the world enjoyed so much.

He picked up his book and started reading, and after a few moments, he felt Potter stir beside him, and looked up to see Harry staring up at him.

"What're you looking at, Potter?" he asked. It came out much ruder than he had intended.

"Your eyes," said Harry before he could stop himself. He felt his cheeks redden and watched as Malfoy's did the same, going from pasty white to strawberry pink in only a matter of seconds.

"Wh-why-why are you looking at my eyes?" Draco stammered, hoping he didn't look as flustered as he felt.

"You've - uh - you've got something in them!" Harry lied, lifting his free hand and rubbing a finger in Draco's cornea. Draco yelped and jerked his head away from Harry's cold finger.

"Bollocks I've got something in them." he muttered grumpily. "You're gay, aren't you?"

Harry went an even deeper shade of red. He now resembled a very ripe tomato. "Wh-what? No! No, I'm not g-gay!"

Draco raised an eyebrow at him in a devilish manner. "Homophobic, are we?"

Harry stared at Malfoy - was he being serious? "No, I'm not homophobic - but I'm not gay either! Or queer, before you come up with some smart-arse comment..."

He threw the covers off his legs: it had suddenly gotten very warm underneath the thick bedspread.

"Well, well, well, Potter - is that your wand in your boxers, or are you just pleased to see me?" Draco smirked, and Harry looked down, turning redder still, and desperately cast his free hand over his crotch. He felt as though he had just been smacked full in the face by a tidal wave of humiliation. He felt his heart pounding rapidly against his rib cage, and the sound of Malfoy howling with laughter beside him was not helping.

"Shut up, would you?" Harry yelled, chucking his pillow onto Malfoy's amused facade. "Bloody tosser..." he added quietly.

"Now I definitely believe you aren't gay," said Malfoy sarcastically between sniggers. "Oh yes, Potter, you're the Straightest Boy Who Lived."

"Shove off," Harry grumbled. "Come on, I want to have a shower."

He managed to persuade Malfoy to get out of bed and lumber downstairs into the bathroom, which was - fortunately - empty. Once Harry was certain that Malfoy's back was turned, he hopped out of his boxers and shuffled into the cubicle. He had gotten very good at opening shampoo bottles with one hand, and was finished within a matter of minutes. Draco didn't take much longer.

At breakfast, they sat at the Slytherin table, since they had sat with the Gryffindors for dinner. Blaise and Pansy hadn't come downstairs yet, and after Harry had searched up and down the Gryffindor table, he noted that Ron and Hermione hadn't either.

"What do you want to do today then, Potter," Draco asked glumly, pouring himself a cup of coffee. "I don't suppose you want to go to Hogsmeade, given our current situation-"

"Harry! There you are! Ron and I have been looking everywhere for you?" Hermione appeared at Harry's side.

Harry frowned at her. "Why?" his eyes lit up. "Have you found the counter-charm?"

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