day 22 - in battle, side-by-side

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Draco and Harry did a bad job on frosting the cake but decided to bring it back to the common room with them anyway. When they ducked behind the tapestry and emerged in the common room, they saw that none of their friends were around.

"We'll just go and sit in the dorm then," Harry suggested, and Draco nodded, following him up the stairs.

Once they were in the room, Draco set down the mess of a cake onto his dresser and then walked over to where Harry was sitting on the edge of his bed, wrapping his arms around Harry's neck and kissing him softly. Harry fell back onto the bed slowly so that Draco was propped up on his elbows on top of him. Draco's lips strayed from Harry's and started to kiss Harry's neck. He lifted his head for a second and started to unbutton his shirt when the door suddenly flew open and Pansy barged inside with Hermione at her heels.

"YOU!" Hermione shouted as the door slammed behind her. 

Draco leaped away from Harry and smoothed his hair back. Harry sat up and looked at Hermione and Pansy.

"What?" he asked.

"YOU SET US UP!" she shouted. Pansy folder her arms and rolled her eyes. Draco furrowed his brow, looking from Pansy to Hermione.

"You fucking knew that we slept together!" Hermione went on, and Pansy darted over to her, whispering for her to lower her voice.

"WE DID NOT!" Harry countered. "I admit, my plan was for Draco to take Pansy to the ball and I that we could all hang out together and for something to spark between you, but we really did not expect you to sleep together."

Hermione narrowed her eyes at him. "Why did Pansy have to know about this plan? Why did she know but I didn't?"

Harry shrugged. "She really likes you."

Pansy squirmed where she stood. "What the fuck, Potter?" she hissed. Draco jumped to Harry's defense.

"He isn't fucking wrong!" he shot back.

"That isn't fair!" Hermione exclaimed. "You acted so surprised this morning when you'd been hoping for this all along!"

Draco scoffed. "Woah there, Granger. Potter and I don't spend our free time drawing pictures of you and Pansy holding hands."

"Yeah, and it isn't like you regretted what happened," Harry added, and Hermione glared at him. Pansy smirked and looked at Hermione smugly.

"What's that?"

"Fut the shuck up, Parkinson," she snapped and then sighed angrily. "Argh! Shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck up!"

Pansy took a step back, holding her hands up in surrender. "Okay - okay."

Hermione's chest rose and fell as she breathed in and out, fuming. "I can't believe you. I really thought you were on my side, Harry."

"Don't be so dramatic, Hermione," Harry said. "You liked kissing her, didn't you?"

She didn't reply.

"Granger - I don't see what the problem is," said Draco.

"I thought you were going to talk to Pansy?" asked Harry.

"This was talking to her! And then she let slip that she 'didn't think your plan would be so effective', and I came straight here."

Draco smiled. "You need to calm down. What are you cross about, exactly?"

"The fact that you lied to me!" she said to Harry. "I thought you were being nice and actually taking me to the ball so I didn't have to say yes to someone else and regret it. I thought you were being a good friend-"

"I was!" Harry said. "I was getting you together with Pansy! I firmly believe that she won't hurt you or do you wrong. I think - I think you'd be good together."

Pansy looked up. "Really?"

Harry nodded. "Yes."

Hermione tucked a strand of hair behind her hair. "Well, you might be right, but that doesn't change the fact that you set me up!"

"What's so wrong with that?" Draco asked. "I don't see what you're so angry about? If we hadn't set you up, you might never have realised that you and Pansy could work together!"

"I still haven't realised that!" Hermione argued.

Harry sighed. "Are you genuinely upset with me, Hermione. With us?" he pointed to him and Draco. Hermione let out a long sigh and looked at her feet.

"I don't know..." she said.

"Tell you what," said Harry. "Tell me right now that you aren't at all interested in Pansy."

Hermione rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet. She didn't reply. Draco exchanged worried glances with Harry and Pansy.

"Come on, Mione," Pansy cooed, and Hermione looked at her. She took in all of Pansy's exquisite beauty: her short black hair that fell in cute waves around her slender face; her fringe that framed her face perfectly; her olive green eyes and pale skin; her full, red lips that had been painted red like every other day; her high cheekbones and her nose that Hermione had once considered pug-like but now thought of as cute.

Her eyes flickered from Pansy to Draco and Harry, who were stood close together. Draco's hand was on Harry's arm, as though he was protecting him. There was nothing to protect him from, but she suspected that the pair of them liked an extra sense of security.

"Well?" Draco asked, breaking the silence. "Tell us that you aren't interested in Pansy."

"I - I can't," said Hermione at last. Pansy's face lit up.

"Why not?" Harry asked, grinning smugly.

"Because I am," Hermione stammered. "I am interested in her."

"So are you still pissed at us?"

"Yes!" she answered quickly. "Of course I am! Just because your plan worked doesn't mean I'm not still cross!"

Pansy was grinning uncontrollably. Suddenly, she flung herself at Hermione and kissed her full in the face. Hermione gasped and her cheeks went bright red, but it didn't take long before she started to kiss her back. Draco laughed and Harry smiled.

"Told you it was a good plan," he whispered. 

Hermione pulled her face away from Pansy's. "I can hear you, you prat," she said, half-laughing.


Okay, I'm really sorry that they weren't really 'in battle', but I needed to clear up some Pansmione stuff and this argument was a necessity to the plot. I hope this was okay with all of you - I nearly stopped writing it but I decided to keep going and see where it went.

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