day 26 - getting married

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TIME JUMP TO THE YEAR 2004: Harry is Hogwarts' DADA professor and Draco is working at the Ministry as the Head Auror. They are still together, after five years, and are set to be married very soon.

Harry closed his suitcase and picked it up, taking one final look around his office before leaving with a smile and closing the door behind him. He would see it again in a few months.

He caught the Knight Bus from just outside of Hogsmeade, and on the way back, rubbed the emerald-studded ring on his finger. He couldn't wait to smother Draco in kisses when he saw him back in London. They hadn't seen each other since Easter.

When the Knight Bus stopped outside Grimmauld Place, Harry hopped out and walked up the steps, pushing open the door with great difficulty. The hall was dark - Draco still hadn't fixed the light. Harry pulled his wand out of his cloak and whispered 'Lumos!'. A ball of light appeared at the end of his wand, and he quietly closed the door behind him, then set off down the hall, leaving his suitcase by the door.

"Draco?" he called out. "Baby?"

There was no reply. Harry frowned and continued down the hall, peering into the kitchen. All of the lights were on, and there were place settings for two on the table, along with a breadboard containing the stale remains of a baguette and a block of cheese. There were crumbs on the plates and the cutlery was askew.

Harry called out again, "Draco?"

He heard a thud from upstairs, and ran out of the kitchen, rushing up the stairs and barging into the first room on the second floor. It was empty, so Harry moved onto the next, which was also empty. As he backed out of the second room, he heard a squeal and turned around to see a very small child toddling towards him.

The boy's hair was a mess of electric blue curls sitting atop his round, rosy-cheeked face.

Harry let out a sigh of relief. "Teddy!" he grinned and squatted down so that the six-year-old could wrap his chubby little arms around Harry's neck. Draco appeared at the end of the hallway, his face lighting up as he and Harry locked eyes.

Harry scooped Teddy up and half-ran down the corridor, into Draco's open arms.

"Ew!" Teddy squealed, shielding his eyes as Draco and Harry's lips collided in a long-awaited kiss.

Harry laughed and kissed Teddy on his forehead. "What's up, little dude?"

"Snogging," said Teddy, shaking his head. "No, no, no."

Harry and Draco laughed, and kissed again, just to spite Teddy. Harry put Teddy down and he ran off into the room he and Draco had just been playing in.

With Teddy gone, Harry was able to put his hands around Draco's waist and pull him in for a much more enjoyable kiss. Draco threw his arms around Harry's neck and pressed his forehead against Harry's.

"I missed you, Scarhead," he whispered, smiling.

"I missed you too," Harry replied, kissing him again. He would kiss him all day if he could. "I didn't know Teddy was going to be here... I was hoping we could celebrate properly-"

"Salacious as always," Draco rolled his eyes, still grinning. "Don't worry - Andromeda only needed me to watch him for the day while she was in Brighton."

He wriggled out of Harry's grip and checked his watch. "In fact - she should be here any minute."

Once Andromeda had picked Teddy up and thanked Draco for looking after him for the day, he and Harry went into the kitchen and popped open a bottle of red wine, which Draco had loved since sixth-year, thanks to Pansy. Draco unwrapped the other baguette he had bought earlier that day and fished another hunk of cheese out of the fridge, and the two caught up over a romantic candle-lit dinner, which they ate in the bath.

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