day 29 - doing something sweet

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After their Charms theory exam, Harry walked with Ron and Hermione to the common room, anxiously discussing the questions they had just had to answer.

"They were ridiculous. I bet I got the worst mark in the year," Ron groaned.

"I'm sure you didn't," said Hermione, not really sure. She knew she hadn't done badly, but that was all. She didn't want to be one of those people who said they would do really badly but came out on top. She preferred to not say anything at all about her own experience.

"I think I did alright," said Harry confidently. "I mean, I've been paying attention all year and I only got stuck on about a third of the questions. That's not bad, for me."

"That's good," Hermione nodded, tucking a string of hair behind her ear. "I'm certainly glad it was the last exam of the day."

"Why?" Ron asked, loosening his tie.

"Well, Pansy and I made plans to eat a picnic by the lake," Hermione blushed, turning a corner and leading the boys behind the tapestry and into the common room. "It'll be nice to get outside as close to midday as possible."

"Don't you want to study?" Harry asked, frowning.

"I started revising in advance and I'm confident about tomorrow's exams. Don't worry, Harry, I'll be sure to go over my notes thoroughly after dinner. This afternoon, all of my attention is saved for my beautiful girlfriend."

Ron sighed. "I need to get a girlfriend."

Harry and Hermione ignored him, Harry turning to Hermione. "That's not a bad idea for a date, actually. Draco and I haven't been on many - we tend to just snog and hold hands and talk. We've only got two weeks left at Hogwarts, so we'll need to do it soon."

Hermione nodded. "It was Pansy's idea. She's got loads of good ones."

Harry grinned. "Alright - I'll see you later. Have fun with Pansy."

He turned and saw that Draco was just entering the common room. He walked over and briefly kissed Harry on the cheek.

"Hey, I'm sorry, love, but the Potions exam we have tomorrow is fucking with my head and I'm going to revise. I just need to grab something from upstairs and then I'm going to spend the rest of the afternoon in the library. See you later," he kissed Harry on the forehead and carried on, going up the stairs two at a time.


When the eighth-years emerged from their very last exam, everyone was cheering and grinning uncontrollably. Harry, Ron and Hermione drifted over to each other and collided in a group hug, and then Dean and Seamus and Neville wandered over and the hug got bigger. Then the Patil twins joined in, and then Pansy, and then Draco, and then Blaise and Theo.

The group dispersed, Hermione linking arms with Pansy and striding out of through the great oak front doors and out into the sun, and Dean and Seamus running off down the hall, cheering. Harry and Draco grinned at each other, Harry's fingers snaking between Draco's.

"I've got a surprise for you," he whispered, placing a quick kiss on Draco's neck.

Draco smiled at him. "Really? I didn't realise you were romantic like that."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Ha ha. One moment-"

He pulled out a large wicker basket from behind one of the house hourglasses, noticing Draco's face light up when he saw it.

"A picnic?" Draco gasped. "I'm impressed, Potter."

"Thank you very much," Harry grinned, tightening his hold on Draco's hand. He pulled him through the doors and out into the warm, bright sunshine. They wandered down to their favourite spot to sit. Harry had always wondered why nobody else sat under the ancient oak tree - it provided excellent shade and had a gorgeous view of the lake or castle, depending on which side of the trunk you leaned against.

Harry and Draco set up the blanket and then lay down on their sides, their legs fully extended in opposite directions but their heads aligned with their picnic basket in front of them. Harry opened it and started pulling out food that he'd nicked from the kitchens.

"I'm so relieved," he said as they started putting food onto their plates. "No more exams for a while."

Draco nodded, his mouth full of chicken.

An hour later, the two of them were lying on their backs. Harry's hand was on Draco's cheek, and their lips were pressed together. Draco pulled away after a long moment of savouring the taste of each others' lips and smiled at Harry.

"I really love kissing you."

"I really love you," Harry replied, kissing him again.

"I love you too," Draco smiled. "And thank you for this. It was wonderful."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Harry traced Draco's jaw-line with his thumb. "You deserve wonderful things."

Draco blushed. "I don't..."

"Don't think about what happened in the past. Think about right now. You've seriously redeemed yourself, Draco Malfoy, and I love you for that."

"I love you," Draco whispered. "So much."


Hey everyone! I'm really glad I was able to get this to you at a reasonable hour (meaning before MIDNIGHT here, like I usually do) because I've been out with my loves and I have to get up early tomorrow.

I hope you all enjoyed! I wasn't sure what my boys could do that would be regarded as 'sweet' but I hope this suffices.

Don't forget to vote! Thank you for your support! <3

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