day 21 - baking

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Harry and Draco woke up quite late the next morning. They were lying very close together, their lips only centimetres apart, and their arms tangled between them. Their bed sheets were a mess. Since they had pushed their two beds together, there was one duvet lying in a pile on the floor, and the other was lying horizontally across both boys' bare legs.

Draco woke up a few minutes before Harry, but he didn't get up. Instead, he watched Harry sleeping soundly, stroking his soft, jet black hair and tracing his lips with his thumb. When Harry's bright green eyes finally fluttered open, Draco leaned forwards and placed a gentle kiss on Harry's soft lips.

"Good morning," Harry said as Draco moved his face away. He yawned and stretched his arms over his head, and then clutched his forehead, scrunching his face up in pain.

"What is it, love?" Draco asked, sitting up and looking at his boyfriend worriedly.

"My head-" Harry groaned. "I have a splitting headache."

Draco let out a sigh of relief. "So your scar's fine?"

Harry stared at him and a short laugh passed his lips. "Yes, my scar's fine. Voldemort's dead. Really dead. We all saw him die. He's dead, baby."

Harry leaned forward and kissed Draco's temple. "It's alright," he whispered. "I'm fine. We're all fine. He's gone."

Draco smiled at him and then got out of bed, wandering over to the hooks on the back of the door and slipping into his expensive emerald green robe. On it was an embroidered black 'M'.

"I'm going to have a shower," he said to Harry, who was still sitting in bed, his arms crossed over his chest and fingers rubbing his neck. Harry nodded, "I'll be down soon."

Draco picked up his toiletries and left the room. In the bathroom, he stood under the warm spray of water and washed the smell of Butterbeer and Harry's cologne off him. Harry wandered in after a few minutes, but Dean followed him in so they couldn't snog like they did when they were alone.

As they were leaving the common room for breakfast, Hermione ran over to them and blocked their path.

"Good morning," said Harry, wondering why Hermione looked so worried. Hermione didn't say anything: she just stared from Harry to Draco, beads of sweat rolling down her forehead.

"Are you alright, Granger?" Draco asked, frowning at her.

"I - I need to talk to you," she said, and Harry wasn't sure if she was referring to the both of them or just him. "Both of you," she added, and they both nodded.

"Go on then," Harry said, shifting his weight.

"Not here," she whispered. "Your dormitory."

Draco's eyes widened. He turned to look at Harry, whose eyes had also gotten bigger. They had a brief, wordless discussion, and then simultaneously turned back to Hermione.

"Er - it's a bit of a dump," said Harry, scratching the back of his neck.

"No matter," Hermione brushed it off. "Please. Just quickly."

Harry looked back at Draco, who shrugged.

"Alright then," Harry mumbled. "But quickly - I need to eat something."

Hermione nodded and the three of them made their way up the boys' stairs to Draco and Harry's dormitory. Once they were inside, Hermione shut the door behind them and ran her hand through her hair.

"What is it, Granger?" Draco asked, folding his arms across his chest.

"Before I tell you-" Hermione started, and Draco dropped his arms, sighing in frustration. "-I just need you two to confirm that you're snogging, and...whatever else..."

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