day 16 - morning routines

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Harry woke up lying as far away from Draco as he could possibly be (without rolling off of the bed). He checked his watch and realised he should start getting ready for the day. He didn't have a free slot during the first hour of lessons like he did on most other days, and he knew he took ages in the shower, so he needed to hurry.

He put on his glasses and shuffled into his battered pair of slippers and collected his toiletries, then headed downstairs to the bathroom.

The good thing about the eighth year dormitories was that the girls and boys each got a bathroom without having to leave the common room. Since there had been no eighth year at the school until the year of the Battle of Hogwarts, where many seventh-year students had missed their final year of school, Headmistress McGonagall had had to renovate an old sector of the castle to make room for the students that wanted to come back and finish properly.

The girls' dormitories were situated down a corridor off the common room. There were enough rooms to fit all of the girls from all of the houses in that year. The boys' dormitories were located on a series of floors, like back in Gryffindor Tower. All of the returning students had been required to get into pairs at the beginning of the year - McGonagall had left the choice to them, other than with Harry and Draco's situation, which affected Ron and Blaise too.

The boys' bathroom was behind a door in the corner of the common room and had enough, while the girls' was at the end of their twisting corridor that led to their dormitories.

Harry washed his face and brushed his teeth before he got into the shower. While he had been living at Privet Drive, he had had to use the shower after his aunt, uncle and cousin, and had learned to wait while the boiler heated up. While he waited, he had washed his face and cleaned his teeth, and it had stuck, even after he had started at Hogwarts, where the supply of hot water was infinite.

While he was in the shower, he washed his body and hair within the first minute and a half, and then stood in the spray for a further five to ten, depending on how much time he had or how many people were waiting for a shower. He thought about what he had accomplished in his life and his friends, and his family - who remained with him every step of the way. He thought about Draco, too, and how the fighting and arguing over the last seven years could have been avoided had they met under different circumstances. He often wondered if Draco had felt this way about him for long, or if he had done the same as Harry and only started thinking of him in that way over the last six month or so...


Draco woke up the morning after the tie incident with sunlight dancing on his face. He checked his watch: it was still fairly early in the morning, and he had enough time to do a full shower (shaving, intense cleansing, etc., etc.) and get enough breakfast in before his first lesson. Harry had already gotten up.

Some days, like this one, Harry and Draco woke up on time and didn't have to rush to get ready. On even better days - in some aspects, anyway - they didn't wake up with their limbs tangled and their heads on the other person's chest, meaning that they could get out of bed and start getting ready for the day without disturbing the other person.

Draco sighed. So it was one of  those days.

He rolled out of bed and picked up his towel and toiletries. Harry wasn't in the bathroom or common room when Draco got downstairs, so he must have already showered and gotten dressed and was now probably laughing and eating with his friends at breakfast. While Draco stood under the warm shower, brushing his teeth or washing his hair, he was unable to erase the thought of Harry's face - specifically his lips - from his mind.

Eventually, he managed to take the focus off of Harry's face and started imagining Harry's entire body, relishing in the thought of kissing it and holding it. He started to worry about someone walking in on him and tried to get back to conditioning his hair and vigorously washing his face. He didn't have flawlessly clear skin by ignoring it.

The door swung open as Draco was finishing up, and he hastily wrapped his towel around his waist as the boy neared the showers. He sighed with relief when he saw that it was only Blaise.

"You scared me half to death," Draco sighed, walking over to the sink and taking out his razor.

"Is that a new towel?" Blaise asked, hanging his up on a hook and standing under one of the shower heads.

Draco coated face with a thin layer of shaving cream. He didn't grow much facial hair, and when he did, it was so blond it was invisible. He still liked to shave it, because he knew Harry didn't like the prickles when they were making out. Draco did. Harry had shaved off all of his stubble once and Draco had been upset, saying he liked it. He also told him it made him looked way sexier. Harry never totally shaved his face again after that, even though it had only been about ten days ago: Harry's facial hair grew quickly.


I enjoyed writing this chapter. I got to explain my take on the eighth year-ness.

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