day 15 - in a different clothing style

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The following afternoon, Draco and Harry were cuddled up in bed. They hadn't seen each other all day and were soaking up the time they had together before dinner. Draco was stroking Harry's soft jet black hair and Harry was rubbing his thumb on Draco's bicep. 

Harry sighed. "I wish we could lie here together all day,"

Draco craned his neck and kissed Harry on the cheek. "So do I. Lucky for us, we've got a while before dinner."

"Really?" Harry sat up, stretching. "I thought it was well past six by now..."

Draco checked his watch and lurched up. "SHIT," he exclaimed. "IT IS  WELL PAST SIX. FUCK."

Harry leapt out of bed and picked up his school trousers from the ground, slipping into them and then hastily buttoning up his shirt. Draco did the same and in less than a minute they were both out the door, looking scruffy. Their ties were hung around their neck; they did them as they flew down the corridor and down a spiral staircase.  

They dashed into the Great Hall with a few other late students - third-year Gryffindors by the looks of them - and murmured their goodbyes to each other as they departed for their separate house tables.

"Where've you been?" Ron asked as Harry squeezed in beside him and Seamus.

"I fell asleep," Harry lied.

Ron stared at him. "Doing what?"

"Er - homework."

Ron narrowed his eyes at Harry but didn't pester him with any more questions, choosing to tuck into the food he had piled onto his plate. Harry reached for the plate of chicken in front of him and noticed that Hermione and Ginny were staring at him.

"What?" Harry asked. "Did I get ink on my face again?"

Ginny shook her head. "It isn't your face... More your neck..."

Harry looked down and felt his stomach drop. Around his neck was a silky, slightly creased, emerald and silver tie. He looked across the Great Hall and spotted Draco on the Slytherin table, looking straight at him. How had they not realised?

"Um-" Harry searched his mind for an excuse. "I - I'm very tired. So is Draco-"

"Draco?" Ginny folded her arms and raised her eyebrows at him. "Since when are you calling him Draco?"

Harry clenched his teeth. He and Ginny had stayed together after the Battle of Hogwarts, for a few months anyway. Harry had broken up with her in September because he didn't feel anything anymore. Ginny had always been sceptical that he had fancied someone else. Although Ron had been relieved to get his best friend back from his sister, he had been upset with Harry for a few weeks for breaking his sister's heart.

Harry knew Ginny would forever be weird when Harry talked about his love life. Thank Merlin she didn't know his love life involved Draco.

"We've been spending a lot of time together," Harry explained, and Ginny narrowed her eyes at him disbelievingly. "I can't just keep calling him Malfoy."

"Didn't stop you for seven years," Ginny snapped, and Harry rolled his eyes.

"I'll go and swap this,"

"No matter," said Hermione as Harry made to stand up. She pointed her wand at the tie and muttered an incantation that made the emerald turn to scarlet and the silver to gold. Harry grinned and then his face fell.

"Malfoy-" he looked at Ginny. "-won't have his tie."

"It'll change back by the morning," said Hermione. "As for right now, he'll have to deal with looking like a Gryffindor at the Slytherin table."


How was that?

I really had no idea what to do with this chapter, and I think the result was more like Day 6.

Oh well, hope you enjoyed it!

Don't forget to vote, follow and share with anyone else who loves Drarry.


To clear things up, I understand that this a is 30 Day Challenge, but each criteria (what you see in the chapter titles) don't mean it's a new day. I'm just using the criteria as a way to get Drarry together. I hope that's okay with you guys :/

Thank you for your support so far! <3

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