day 28 - doing something ridiculous

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The mid-June sunshine shone over the Hogwarts grounds. The black lake sparkled in the sunlight and the giant squid playfully waved its tentacles in the air. The birds chirped and twittered at each other from tree to tree. Even the Whomping Willow seemed cheerful.

Beautiful days like this made Harry wish that all of his lessons could take place outside. Instead, he had to wait until after the very last bell of the day before he bolted up to his dormitory, where he found Draco fixated on a long roll of parchment, thick books open all around him. He must have had a free spot for the last lesson.

Draco was so eager to get out of the castle, he didn't need much persuading from Harry. He would have studied out in the grounds, but he knew he'd get distracted and start jotting down poetic one-liners or playing with the grass.

"Come on," Harry said, and Draco capped his bottle of ink and left his quill propped up on the spine of one of his books. He took Harry's hand and allowed him to pull him down the stairs, through the common room, past the gaping students that stood around in the halls, out of the castle and down to the jetty where Hagrid docked the boats that the first-years rode on their first day at Hogwarts.

"What are we doing here, Harry?" Draco asked, dazed. Harry let go of his hand once they reached the end of the jetty, and began pulling off his uniform, starting with the cloak that it was far too hot to be wearing. Draco stared at him. "Harry," he said again. "What are you doing?"

Harry looked up at him as he stepped out of his trousers and began to unbutton his white shirt. "Stop asking questions! Come on, baby - strip!"

Harry stopped when he was standing at the end of the jetty wearing nothing but his golden snitch boxers. He waited until Draco had done the same, which took a while as Draco kept looking around worriedly. Soon enough, however, they were both standing in their boxers, looking out at the glittering lake.

"Ready?" Harry asked, taking a step closer to the edge. Draco took several steps back.

"What are you playing at, Potter?" he asked, his voice edged with fear. 

"It's hot outside!" Harry exclaimed. "Come on, Draco, let's jump in!"

"Harry, that's dangerous-"

Harry shook his head. "It isn't. I asked Hermione. She knows fucking everything about this school, and she was more than happy to tell me why the water by the first-year boats is completely safe. It has to be, in case one of the little 'uns falls in!"

Draco narrowed his eyes, still unsure. Harry clicked his tongue impatiently, holding his hand out for Draco to take.

"Babe," he said, and Draco felt a stab in the chest. He had a weakness for Harry calling him 'babe'. "Jump in with me."

Draco anxiously scraped his toes on the old wood.

"There's nobody else around!" Harry said loudly. "Everyone else is over there!" He pointed over to a spot on the shore of the lake where twenty or so people were sitting around, lazing in the afternoon sun.

"Come on, baby. Please?" Harry pleaded. "I'll let you take my boxers off."

Draco perked up and Harry laughed. "Really? And you call me salacious."

Draco smirked and took a few steps towards Harry, and then took his outstretched hand and inhaled deeply.

"Ready?" he asked, stepping closer to the edge so that his toes were hanging over.

"Ready," Harry nodded. "Three. Two-"

"ONE!" Draco shouted, and the two of them launched themselves into the lake. It was freezing, as expected. Both of them whooped and cheered, and Draco swam over to Harry and kissed him passionately, taking Harry by surprise.

"What was that for?"

Draco shrugged. "I love you. Can't I kiss the man I love when I feel like it?"

"Well, you certainly can't kiss me in any of our exams next week 'because you feel like it'."

Draco laughed, and then took a deep breath and disappeared under the water. After a moment, Harry felt his golden snitch boxers being pulled down to his ankles. He cried out and Draco reappeared, taking in the air.

"I was joking about that!" said Harry.

Draco chuckled. "I wasn't."

Harry splashed water in Draco's direction, and Draco splashed a much larger wave back. The two spent another hour or two swimming around that region of the lake, splashing at each other or clambering back onto the jetty and springing back into the water. 

The sun seemed to shine even brighter when the boys were smiling.


So apparently I wasn't as tired as I thought I was and decided to post another chapter. This one wasn't as short as the last but still not as long as most of the others, but I really liked writing this one.

I keep putting off writing my other fic (it involves wolfstar and a baby - hint: the baby isn't Harry) because I'm so determined to finish this one before I go back to school in a couple of days. I will be posting the wolfstar fic on here when I've finished it, for those wondering (I'm going to post it all at once rather than updates every so often, most likely).

Don't forget to leave a vote! I recently ranked number one on the RISING #drarry tag. Thank you so much! You're a brilliant audience <3

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