day 9 - hanging out with friends

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When Harry and Draco returned from Hogsmeade and had tidied away their purchases in their respective corners of the dormitory, Harry walked over to Draco and kissed him softly.

"What do you want to do now?" he asked, pushing their foreheads together as their lips parted.

"Why don't we go and chill with Pansy, Blaise, and Theo?" Draco suggested.

Harry grimaced. "I was hoping you'd suggest something a little more physical..."

Draco went on. "They'll wonder why you've come to sit with us at first and they'll probably be a little mean but eventually you'll all get on. You spoke to them when we were stuck together, so you've already made a little bit of progress..."

Harry wasn't sure if Draco was ignoring him or hadn't heard him. "Fine. But only if you agree to come and hang out with me and the Gryffindors by the lake tomorrow. The Gryffindors and Luna, that is."

Draco groaned. "Do I have to?"

Harry cupped Draco's beautiful face with his hands. His cheeks were cold and bony, but they looked so structured and defined in the light of the dormitory. "You ignored them when we were stuck together, and you've called Luna 'Loony' on multiple occasions, which I'm not okay with, so yes, you have to."

He kissed him again, this time only a quick peck that left Draco wanting more as Harry's warm hands let go of his face and he half-strutted out of the room. Draco followed, eager to see as much of the back of Harry as he could without having to wait until he was alone with him.

Harry walked right over to the Slytherins, who were already conversing about something. They looked up at stared at Harry bitterly.

"What do you want, Potter?" Theodore snapped.

At that moment, Draco arrived and cut in before Harry could say anything. "Alright, guys?"

Pansy switched her gaze from Harry to Draco. "What've you two been up to this morning?"

Draco sunk into the vacant armchair and tucked a stray thread of platinum blond hair behind his ear. "We went shopping."

"Oh how very gay of you," said Pansy, shuffling up closer to Theo on the sofa to make room for Harry, who didn't realise what she was doing until she smacked the leather and stared at him so he knew to sit.

Draco rolled his eyes but didn't tell Pansy to shut up like he usually did. Instead, he whispered, "You'd know all about that, wouldn't you, Zee?"

She kicked him, which surprised Harry, as he had never really thought about how long her legs were. He hadn't really been fazed by Draco's comment, and looked around at the group of Slytherins, hoping desperately for one of them to start a conversation.

"So..." said Theo awkwardly. "How long have you two been together?"

Draco and Harry both went red, and their eyes widened to the size of dinner plates.

"We- we aren't together..." said Harry quickly. Draco nodded a lot and added, "Just doing what McGonagall asked. Just trying to be friends."

Harry nodded, his cheeks glowing a deeper red as every second passed.

"What do you guys like?" he asked, trying to change the subject.

"I'll tell you what I don't like," said Pansy, narrowing her eyes at him. He felt very uncomfortable, as she was sitting right beside him. "I don't like girls. Can't stand them. Look-" she motioned with her hands at the Slytherins around her. "all my friends are boys. Girls are just - I don't like them. Much prefer boys. Boys, boys, boys - that's me."

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