day 24 - making up afterwards

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Harry refused to talk to Draco after what he said. He even persuaded Blaise to swap rooms with him for the night so he wouldn't have to see Draco. Draco decided to pack to go home for the holidays and sent an owl to notify his mother and father. He wanted to stay, but he knew that Harry wanted - and possibly needed - space from him.

Harry and Hermione went to see Ron, Ginny, Neville and Luna off. Pansy went to stay goodbye to Draco. Pansy and Hermione had individually chosen not to go home and had been thrilled to learn that the other was also staying. Hermione was relieved that she would be able to openly spend time with Pansy, as she still hadn't told Ron yet.

Draco hugged Pansy goodbye and then walked down the platform to get onto the train. He walked past where Harry and Hermione were talking to Ron. Hermione waved at him discreetly, and Draco wished it had been Harry instead.

Harry spent most of the holidays with Pansy and Hermione. He found it agitating to be constantly fifth-wheeling with either Pansy and Hermione or Dean and Seamus, who were the only other eighth-years staying at Hogwarts for the holidays, and spent a lot of time in his room. He tried to read but it reminded him of Draco and how he would often wake up to Draco reading silently beside him, his brow furrowed as he studied each and every word on the page. Eventually, he gave up and chose to watch all of his DVDs to pass the time.

On Christmas day, after Harry had opened his presents from the Weasleys and Hermione, his eyes fell upon a neat envelope at the bottom of his pile of gifts. The handwriting on it was cursive and articulate, spelling out his name beautifully. He turned the envelope over in his hand and studied the seal, which had a large letter 'M' pressed into the wax.

Part of Harry wanted to toss the letter underneath the sofa, as though it would solve everything between them. A larger part of him knew better, and he reluctantly tore open the envelope while and unfolded the enclosed piece of parchment, his eyes skimming over the words while Hermione and Pansy giggled about the present Ron had sent to Hermione.

My darling Potter,

If you're reading this then you've used your head and realised that ignoring me isn't going to fix anything. For that I thank you.
How could I not (sort of) start this letter off by apologising with the deepest sincerity for what I said to you. It was harsh and uncalled for and I cannot apologise enough. I do not think it unreasonable of you to ignore me for the rest of that day and the day after, as I can only imagine how you must have felt.
I hope we can make up when I return to Hogwarts. I like you so very much and I really hope that I haven't completely fucked up what we have.
Just so you know, my parents and I have barely spoken about marriage. All they have said is that there's a girl named Astoria Greengrass who is the 'winning' suitor so far, but then they added that I won't have to marry her for another half a decade or so, which is good.
I can understand why you were angry about me having to marry someone else. I believe that I feel the same way about you that you do me and I would have been utterly devastated had our roles been reversed. I really want what we have to last. I think that we match. Befriending you was one of the best things that has ever happened to me (damn you, McGonagall). I didn't expect our arranged friendship to turn into this. I care about you so much. I firmly believe that you and I could last; that we could grow to love each other.
Merry Christmas, my love. I'm thinking of you every day that I'm away. I can't wait to see you, even if you don't feel the same way. 

Have a wonderful day,
Your Draco

P.S.: Say hi to Pansy and Granger for me.

Harry reread the letter, this time carefully reading each word as though they hadn't really been there the first time. It was beautiful. He wondered if Draco would have it to him in such a way. He wondered how long it had taken Draco to write this and be satisfied with the words; how many pieces of parchment he had tossed away; how long ago he had sent this. He thought about how Draco had probably had to hide away in his room and write this, terrified his mother or father could burst in at any moment and snatch up the letter.

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