day 18 - doing something together

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Harry and Draco decided to bring Hermione and Pansy closer together. Harry confided in Draco that Hermione had mentioned something about being tired of boys and wanting to try dating a girl. 

After Charms that day, Harry mumbled to Pansy that Draco was around the corner and wanted to tell her something. She nodded and went to the spot where Draco was hiding. As Harry walked alongside Ron and Hermione to their next class, he wondered what Draco was going to stall Pansy with. When they had last spoken, Draco hadn't any clue what to say.

"What is it, Draco?" asked Pansy tiredly as they ducked behind a statue of a famous wizard Draco couldn't remember the name of.

"I need to tell you something," he said, drumming his fingers on his thigh.

Pansy stared at him. "Go on then."

Draco took a deep breath. "I- I kissed Potter."

Pansy was unimpressed. "I know. I was there. I thought you did it to spite me? D'you really think I'd forget-"

"No, shut up," Draco exhaled sharply. Pansy stared at him, and he apologised, then went on. "I mean I kissed him again."

Her dark brown eyes widened. "You did?"

"Yes," Draco nodded. "Several times."

"Really?" she asked disbelievingly.

Draco nodded again. "Yeah. We snogged too."

Pansy grinned. "Nice." She knew Draco had been lying about how he really felt about Potter for years. She didn't understand why he didn't just tell her - he knew he could trust her with anything. Hell, he'd even told her that he was gay.

"Is that it?" she asked impatiently, checking her watch. They were going to be late for Potions. Shit, she thought.

Draco checked his too: they were going to be late for Potions. Excellent, he thought. He shrugged and allowed her to lead the way to the dungeons. They were already nearly late, so by the time they got there, the plan would work anyway.

Pansy threw open the door to the Potions classroom and wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Ugh!" she groaned. "Granger, why on Earth does the classroom reek of your conditioner."

Draco appeared behind her at just the right moment and winked at Harry from behind Pansy's back. Hermione had gone pink, and the rest of the class had started laughing at Pansy. Professor Slughorn turned around and stared at Pansy and Draco. 

"Mr Malfoy, Ms Parkinson, I am trying to teach," he said. "It is your own fault that you are late, so you can listen to the end of my briefing and then hope that one of your classmates will explain what you've missed."

He turned around and continued addressing the rest of the class, some of whom were still laughing. Pansy frowned at them, her eyes flickering to Hermione to see if she was laughing: she wasn't. Her face was pink and she looked very embarrassed.

Why? Pansy thought to herself, confused. Slughorn dismissed the class and they dispersed to their workstations. Pansy followed Draco over to where Potter was setting up his cauldron beside Longbottom. Harry caught Draco's eye as he opened his book to the right page and winked at him. Pansy was so confused. And irritated, because she was confused.

"What's going on?" she asked angrily. Hermione kept her head down.

"Oh, you mean with the lesson?" Neville piped up, happily obliging to explain the lesson to Pansy. "Well, we're brewing Amortentia-"

Pansy went scarlet. So that was why everyone had been laughing.

"-and then Slughorn will check your cauldron," Neville concluded. Harry patted him on the back, knowing Pansy had missed everything after the word 'Amortentia'. Draco discreetly grinned at Harry and then led Pansy to the workstation where Theo and Blaise were now cutting up ingredients.

While they brewed the potion, Pansy's face remained flushed with colour. She heard Hermione's laughter from across the room but didn't dare look up.

"What am I going to do?" she whispered to Draco as she chopped up some peppermint and tried to tip it into the cauldron but missed completely.

Draco shrugged. "Don't walk into a Potions classroom and ask for the world to hear why the room smells of the person you fancy's hair."

She scowled at him and he laughed. "Don't worry. You know, Potter and I were talking the other day about kissing each other-"

"I don't need to know that," Pansy grimaced.

"I know I just like winding you up," Draco smirked. "Anyway, as I was saying, we were talking about - you know - queerness and he casually mentioned that Granger is an 'out and proud bisexual' ... and that she was tired of boys and wanted to date a girl," he added quickly.

Pansy stared at him. "You're fucking kidding me."

He shook his head. "I'm not."

She smiled excitedly. "Oh, this changes everything. I used to think I'd have to like, snog her and hope I'd turned her-"

"You don't turn someone. If they're gay, they always have been. They were just unaware."

Pansy rolled her eyes and spent the remainder of the lesson thinking of ways she could ask Granger out. She dreamed up scenarios, smiling as though she was enchanted, and left Draco to fix the rest of the potion.


For those who didn't pick up on it, the thing they were doing together was plotting :)

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