day 5 - kissing

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Harry and Draco had moved from the Three Broomsticks after a long chat about themselves. They both realised that they had never properly gotten to know each other before, as they had always been at each other's throats for such a long time. After learning so much about the other person, they both silently wished they had spent less time arguing and more time trying to establish a friendship.

"What do you want to do after Hogwarts?" Harry asked as they walked along Main Street. They were walking so close together that Draco's shoulders kept brushing against Harry's, which neither boy minded.

"I think I'd like to become an Auror," Draco replied after a moment of thought.

"I wanted to be an Auror for a while. I used to think that I'd be good at it, but then I realised how much fun I had had teaching Dumbledore's Army, and now I think I'd like to be a teacher here."

Draco looked at him and felt a great surge of affection well up in his heart. He didn't quite know why, but he liked the feeling. "I think you'd be a great teacher," he said quietly. Harry looked up at the taller boy and wondered if he was wasting his time even hoping that Draco felt the same way. He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it quickly, deciding it was probably better to stay quiet.

They had come to the clearing where Harry had teased Malfoy in third-year; the clearing that overlooked the Shrieking Shack. Harry knew better than to get emotional over Sirius and Remus when he saw the place. He looked away and found himself staring into those exquisite grey eyes of Malfoy's.

"Oh..." he gasped, and Draco smiled. Harry realised he had never seen Malfoy smile before - at least in a non-taunting manner. It was an attractive smile; Malfoy was an attractive guy, and that smile of his just made Harry even more confused about his feelings towards him.

"Do you remember that paper plane I charmed to flutter over to you in third-year?" Draco asked,  interrupting Harry from his thoughts.

"Er-" Harry thought. "Oh, yeah. Why?"

Harry moved away from the fence, but accidentally stood in a patch of mud and slipped. To his complete surprise, Draco caught him before he hit the ground. 

"What's this?" came a familiar taunting voice. Harry and Draco both turned to see Pansy, Blaise, and Theodore Nott standing at the edge of the clearing. Harry launched himself away from Draco, to which Pansy laughed.

"I don't think this is the kind of relationship McGonagall wanted you two to develop," said Pansy, a stupid smirk plastered to her face.

"And what kind of relationship is that?" Draco asked, surprising Harry again.

"A gay one." Pansy's smirk widened into a malicious grin. Draco rolled his eyes and stood up straight, dusting off his robes.

Without warning, he grabbed Harry's wrist, pulling him towards him. He put his hand on Harry's shoulders and lowered his own head slightly so that their faces were centimetres apart. Harry opened his mouth to question what Malfoy was doing, but he was interrupted as Draco's lips crashed into his own. It wasn't a sloppy kiss; it was smooth and quite enjoyable, but just as Harry gave up on staring disbelievingly and closed his eyes as he started to kiss Draco back, it was over, and Draco pulled his lips away.

"Don't give me that shit, Pansy," he said, and Harry expected him to wipe his lips on the cuff of his shirt, but he didn't. "Don't be falsely homophobic. It doesn't make you look cool and it certainly won't impress the person I know you've got your eye on. They aren't here, yes, but if word gets out that you were being homophobic - I think your chances of ever going out with them would only become less likely, wouldn't you agree?"

Pansy's smile had vanished and was replaced by an anxious gaze. 

"Don't ever forget, Parkinson, that you've told me things you wouldn't confess to save your life. Get out of here, we'll talk later."

"You can't tell me what to do anymore, Draco," Pansy said, stepping forward. Blaise's hand hovered at her elbow. "You aren't a Death Eater anymore. You don't scare me."

Draco laughed. "Really? Well then, I'm sure you won't mind if I confess a secret of yours to the entire Slytherin house later on this evening - or, better yet, the entire school! What a wonderful thing for the students of Hogwarts to discuss while they eat their dinner."

"You wouldn't." said Pansy, gulping.

"Try me," Draco said, smirking. Harry couldn't help that he was slightly turned on by this side of Draco. Not that he hadn't seen it before - he was usually just on Pansy's end, where it definitely wasn't as attractive.

Pansy scowled at him, turned on her heel and stalked off back into the village, with Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise not far behind. After they had disappeared from sight, Draco ran his fingers through his hair and turned to see a flabbergasted Harry staring at him.

"What, Potter?" he asked, acting as though nothing had happened.

"We - we - we just kissed." Harry stammered.

Draco shrugged. "Yeah, and?"

"Why did you kiss me?" Harry asked, scratching the back of his head in confusion.

"To show Pansy - and the others, I suppose - that I don't care if it looks like we're on a date-"

Harry cut him off. "Hold on. You never actually denied it."

Draco's eyes darted to the ground. "Yes I did."

Harry shook his head. "No, you didn't. All you did was kiss me and then tell her off."

"No, no, I'm fairly sure I mentioned that we weren't dating."

"Well, you did ask me on a date. That's what this is, after all." Harry smiled, and Draco felt himself go weak at the knees. He rolled his eyes and said, "Fine, I forgot to mention it, but she knows we aren't going out! She knows that that kiss was all for show. It meant nothing."

He hated lying like this, but the longer he could postpone admitting his feelings, the better. Potter probably felt the same anyway. Although, it had been one hell of a kiss. He had done most of the work, obviously, and Potter had only really started to respond just as he cut it off, but Potter's lips had been soft and sweet, the taste of Butterbeer still on them.

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