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McGonagall watched from the foot of the stairs as Harry and Draco made their way out through the great oak front doors, Harry carrying an enormous picnic basket in one hand and holding Draco's in the other. Professors Slughorn, Flitwick and Sprout all groaned and followed as she swept away down the corridor, her thin lips twitching into a smirk.

"I believe the three of you have some paying up to do," she said smugly as they walked into the staff room. "Filius, how much did you wager?"

Flitwick reluctantly pulled a pouch from his coat and set a pile of coins on the table. "There you go. Ten galleons. I was sure Malfoy would end up with that Granger girl."

McGonagall slipped the money into her pocket and turned to Professor Sprout, who set three sparkling sickles down. "I was certain it wouldn't last."

McGonagall rolled her eyes and turned to Professor Slughorn, who handed her a small bag full of coins. "I thought Granger and Potter were solid."

Professor McGonagall smirked again and nodded to the other professors, walking towards the door. She pulled it open and left, smiling uncontrollably.


THAT'S IT! The book's over! I really hope you all enjoyed this little bonus: I saw a headcanon of the Hogwarts professors betting on who ended up with who and couldn't resist. Also, had to show how McGonagall felt about her OTP being canon.

If you haven't already, please vote on all of these chapters, as it would mean the world to me :) Don't forget to share it with anyone else who loves Drarry. Thank you so much for all of your support - you're such a fantastic audience and writing for you has been incredible!

I'm still in progress of writing my next fic (Wolfstar baby) and I don't know for sure when it will be available. I've decided to post it all at once rather than in updates because I started school and I'd rather do it this way.

Once again, thank you for your support! I love you all! <3

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