day 10 - wearing animal ears

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"I've got a surprise for you," said Draco once he and Harry were back in their dormitory.

Harry looked at Draco, his brow furrowed. "What?"

Draco nodded. "Let me just get it."

"This is so unlike you," said Harry. "You don't strike me as the kind of person to give people - especially people who you've spent your life hating - presents slash surprises."

"Well, that isn't the surprise," Draco smiled, holding his hands behind his back. "Also, you didn't strike me as the kind of person who would be okay with kissing me. Especially after our history."

"You kissed me first!"

Draco scoffed. "You wanted it."


"Why were you so persistent with your 'I'm not gay!' act then? It's not like I was being subtle with the way I felt."

"In case you haven't noticed," said Harry. "I'm very oblivious. To everything. Really, I'm probably the most oblivious person you've ever met. I could have figured things out much sooner if I hadn't been so fucking oblivious all the time."

Draco laughed, fiddling with his surprise behind his back. Harry went on, "Besides, I mean - I'm not gay. I like everyone. I don't see gender."

"'re pansexual?"

Harry shrugged. "I don't like labels, but yes, I suppose so."

"You don't like labels my arse," Draco scoffed. "You made sure that people never forgot you were THE CHOSEN ONE. Why do you think I made fun of you for seven years?"

Harry rolled his eyes. "Let's not fight. Let's make out!"

He rushed towards Draco, who placed his hand on Harry's forehead and pushed him back. "Steady on, Potter. I don't like moving too quickly. Besides, I haven't given you your surprise."

Harry stopped pushing against Draco's hand and stood up straight, trying to flatten his hair as Draco fumbled with something behind his back.

"Close your eyes and hold out your hand," Draco instructed, and Harry did as he was told.

Draco placed the gift in Harry's open palms. Harry frowned, his eyes still closed. It felt odd.

"Can I open them now?"

"Wha- Oh, yes."

Harry's eyes flew open and fell upon the item in his hand. It was a headband, but with small dog ears on the top. His face lit up with glee. "I pointed this out to you! YOU ACTUALLY BOUGHT IT? FOR ME?"

"Yep," Draco smirked. "And I got some too."

From behind his back - Harry wondered how many hands he had behind there; he seemed to be able to do anything even with one behind his back - he pulled out a near-matching headband, but with cat ears in place of the dog's. He put it on his head and grinned. Harry did the same, and ran over to Draco again, wrapping his arms around him and kissing him on the nose.

"I love them. Thank you," he stood up on his tiptoes and kissed Draco properly. He didn't need to stand on his tiptoes, but he liked it better when their faces were one hundred-percent level.

Draco wished he could kiss Harry forever. He couldn't get enough of the taste of his soft, warm, Butterbeer-tasting lips.


Okay, I hope it isn't a problem that that chapter was really short in comparison to the others - don't hate me! I just didn't really think anything else was necessary!

Anyway, I can't believe I've already published 10 chapters! I really hope you're all enjoying this so far. Please please please vote! 

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