day 7 - cosplaying (...sort of)

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Draco woke up first again, lying there motionlessly for a few minutes to allow himself to wake up. Harry's head was lying on Dracos' chest, just under his pectorals, and Draco's arm was slung around Harry's neck. He used his other hand to fish around underneath his pillow for his book and started to read while Harry slept quietly beside him.

Harry's eyes fluttered open and he looked to his left to find Draco already awake and reading.

"M-morning," said Harry, sitting up and yawning, stretching his arms over his head. Draco looked away from the crisp pages of his open book and returned Harry's greeting. He set the book down in his lap and sat up, sighing heavily. "How long have you been reading? Have I been keeping you from getting up?"

"Not long, and no, I like lying in bed with you. It's quaint and pleasant." Draco smiled, but it fell from his face quickly.

"What's wrong?" asked Harry, leaning into Draco.

"It's Halloween," Draco replied grumpily. Harry narrowed his eyes and placed a gentle kiss on Draco's right cheek in an attempt to cheer him up. Draco smiled and his head, pleasantly surprising Harry and kissing him full on the face. His lips were soft, which Draco hadn't expected first thing in the morning.

"I don't like Halloween much either," Harry admitted as their lips parted.

Draco looked at him, surprised. "Why not?"

Harry hung his head. "Well, my parents were killed on Halloween."

Draco's eyebrows raised and his grey eyes widened. "Oh... I'm sorry."

He felt a sting of guilt as he recalled every time he had taunted and teased Harry about having no parents; about being an orphan. He wished he could undo it all and start over. Maybe then they would have been friends sooner.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about this," Harry said, getting out of bed and stretching again. Draco frowned at him, and Harry went on, "It's Halloween, and we can't change the fact that Dumbledore came up with a stupid rule that states that whenever Halloween falls on a non-school day, every student of Hogwarts is required to dress up."

Draco groaned and flopped onto his pillows. "Ugh, as if - what are we supposed to dress up as anyway? Where are we supposed to get costumes from?"

"I believe there's a classroom or two full of costumes for everyone to choose from, and, obviously, we can enchant them to fit us. Also - did you just quote Clueless?"

Draco went slightly pink. "I might have."

Harry grinned at him, and Draco felt his heart flutter. "Well," he said, wanting to move on. "We best get showered and dressed then if we've got to pick out costumes. Come on, Potter, I suspect the entire school's going to be choosing costumes! We've got to get good ones!"


Draco and Harry burst into the less-full classroom and darted over to one of the costume racks. They looked each and every outfit up and down, grabbing the hanger if the costume was even remotely acceptable.

"Holy mother of Merlin," said Draco, his eyes fixated on the costume rack across the room. "Potter, look."

Harry looked up from a withered and tacky vampire costume and followed Draco to the furthest costume rack. Draco - stifling mad laughter - pulled out the iconic yellow tartan Cher outfit from Clueless. Harry gasped when he saw it and looked at Draco, eyes wild.

"You have to wear it!" he half-yelled. "Is there a wig?"

Draco looked around and saw a chest with bright blue hair protruding from it. He scurried over and lifted the heavy lid, fishing around and finally pulling out a short blonde wig.

"It's short," Harry pointed out.

Draco rolled his eyes. "Honestly, Potter, do you forget we're wizards?" he said, waving his wand excitedly and lengthening the hair of the wig until it was the same as Alicia Silverstone's. Draco looked at Harry excitedly, holding his costume so tight he thought he might break the hanger.

"Have you got one?" he asked.

"Er - not exactly, no," Harry replied sadly.

"Well, let's go get you one!" said Draco enthusiastically, taking Harry's hand in his and pulling him back to the other costume racks. They looked at dozens, but none of them seemed right. Then, as Harry reached the end of the middle rack, he found it.

"This," he said, pulling it off the rack and holding it out in front of him. Draco nodded, slightly horrified, and then took Harry's hand and rushed off to the boys' bathrooms. Draco had never felt so excited about anything since he had turned eleven and was finally old enough to go to Hogwarts.

The two boys changed into their costumes and finalised the details and accessories, then stepped out of the bathroom and revealed themselves to each other, both grinning from ear-to-ear like a child with an ice cream.

"You look great!" said Draco to Harry, who fell apart laughing.

"You look..." Harry hesitated. "-hot."

Draco's cheeks went red, and Harry giggled. "Don't worry, it works. How did Dumbledore even get these costumes? I've never seen them before..."

"Me neither, but most of them look to be from Muggle books and films. Whatever. I'm thrilled. You still haven't told me who you're dressed as, though."

"Oh, right, sorry," said Harry. He cleared his throat and said with a flourish, "I'm Dr. Frank-N-Furter from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Hermione showed it to me in fifth-year. Bloody brilliant. American, again."

Draco shrugged. "I dig this look for you," he said in a terrible faux American accent. "Ugh. That was horrible. Remind me to never again impersonate Cher Horowitz's voice again."

Harry laughed and looked himself up and down. "I really don't know what McGonagall will say about this... What if Dumbledore got this one as a joke?"

"Potter, relax. You look so, so good. At least you know Granger will know who you are."

He couldn't look away from Harry's legs. "How are you pulling those tights off?"

Harry looked at Draco's legs, an eyebrow raised. "How are your legs hairless?"

"Er- I don't know. I've never had hairy legs... Why - is it mucking up my outfit?"

"No, no, it's making it work even more! The hair looks brilliant, by the way." said Harry breathlessly. "Well, I guess it's now or never. Will you do me the honour of accompanying me to breakfast?"

Draco took Harry's arm, giggling shrilly. "Let's go and show Hogwarts the two finest damn piecest of ass its ever seen."

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