day 6 - wearing each other's clothes

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After spending a few hours in the dorm watching films and reading - Draco had persuaded Harry to start reading actual books - the pair decided to take a walk on the grounds. On their way out of the common room, they ran into Ron and Hermione.

"Hey!" Harry grinned at his best friends enthusiastically.

"Hey, Harry," said Ron and Hermione together. "What've you done today? We didn't see you in Hogsmeade..."

"Oh, well, we were in Hogsmeade but we left after about an hour and a half," Harry explained.

Ron tilted his head. "Why'd you leave so soon? You love Hogsmeade!"

Harry glanced at Draco, whose eyes quickly darted to the floor. "Er - well," he desperately scanned his brain for an excuse that would seem credible. "Draco was feeling sick, so I brought him back up to the castle and we've been hanging out in the dorm since about two."

Hermione raised an eyebrow at her friend but didn't say anything. Draco had looked up from the floor and was now trying very hard not to stare at Harry like he had just recited the full lyrics to a Weird Sisters song. 

"Well, we're sure you've got stuff to do..." said Hermione in an unfamiliar tone. "We'd best get out of your way."

Harry sighed, and whispered to Draco, "I won't be a moment."

He stepped away from Draco and pulled Ron and Hermione to the side. "Look, guys, I know we haven't spent much time together this year, and I'm really sorry about that, but you know what McGonagall's like! She's determined to get Malfoy and me together by the end of this year."

Ron's eyes widened, and he snorted. Harry went slightly pink. "Not like that! What I meant was: she's determined to have us be friends by then. That's rank, Ron." 

Ron held his hands up in surrender, a tiny smirk visible on his freckled face. Harry punched him in the arm, to which Hermione stood in front of Ron defensively.

"Harry, that wasn't necessary. Ron was only joking," she said.

"It wasn't funny," said Harry.

She rolled her eyes. "Moving on," she said through gritted teeth. "Do you think you'll get a chance to catch up with us anytime soon? The only time we ever see you is in lessons and even then you're always with him."

"Hermione! It's a punishment! From the Head-bloody-mistress! You think I enjoy spending time with him?" he asked, lowering his voice so Malfoy wouldn't hear the lie. "Have you forgotten how much we dislike each other?"

Hermione raised an eyebrow at him.

"What?" he asked. "You do that when you suspect something - what do you suspect?"

"It's not just her!" interjected Ron. "The whole bloody school suspects it!"

"What? Suspects what?" asked Harry impatiently.

"Blimey, you really don't know, do you?" said Ron incredulously. 

Harry stamped his foot. "Know what?"

"That you and Malfoy are - you know-" Ron wiggled his eyebrows. "-a thing."

Harry stared at them. "Have you lost your bloody minds? Just because Malfoy and I argue a lot, you think we're dating? We aren't like you two!" he said, and they both went pink. "All we've done is realise there's no point in spending all our time arguing anymore! We actually got to know a lot about each other today! We're just trying to establish a proper friendship, and I expected you two - of all people - to see that."

"It's not just because you argue!" Hermione replied as Harry turned to leave. "It's the way you look at each other! The way that neither of you really protested as much as anyone thought you would to being stuck together for two days!"

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