day 27 - on one of their birthdays

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BACK TO 1999 - June, to be precise.

Harry thundered down the stairs, grabbing the knob on the end of the bannister to prevent himself from falling onto the carpeted floor of the common room. He ran a hand through his hair and walked, slowly, over to where Draco, Hermione, Pansy and Ron were sitting. Draco and Ron were engaged in a very serious-looking game of wizard's chess, and Hermione and Pansy were eagerly spectating.

"Draco," said Harry coolly. Draco looked up and smiled at him.

"Yes, love?"

Ron groaned and Hermione flicked him on the back of the head.

"Why didn't you tell me it was your birthday?" Harry asked, his brow furrowed. Now it was Draco's turn to groan. He rounded on Pansy.

"I told you not to tell anyone!" he growled.

"Don't look at me, you prat, I didn't say anything," Pansy rolled her eyes and continued to plait Hermione's frizzy hair.

Draco looked back at Harry. His expression softened by default. "How'd you find out?"

Harry held up a letter in his right hand. "This just came," he tossed the letter at Draco, who caught it and studied the handwriting on the front. Harry went on, "Along with a very heavy package. Explains why you're owl didn't bring the post this morning."

Ron frowned at them. "How does that prove that it's Malfoy's birthday?"

Draco rolled his eyes and turned around so that he was looking at Ron. "Because, Weasley, my mother is not like yours and doesn't write to me every fucking day."

Ron scowled at him, his ears going red.

Draco continued to explain. "When my mother and father found out that I was dating Harry fucking Potter, they were not happy. My father was furious. My mother managed to send me a very angry letter stating she would only write to me on my birthday, in the future. Something tells me she'll get over it a lot sooner than my father will."

Harry moved over to him and put a reassuring hand on Draco's shoulder. "It's okay, love," he whispered so that Ron wouldn't have anything else to moan about. Draco turned around again, leaving about an inch or two between his and Harry's face.

"You aren't going to do anything, are you?" he groaned.

Harry smirked. "Of course not. Not if you don't want me to."

Draco narrowed his mercury-grey eyes at Harry. "If you're planning me a fucking surprise party, I will surprise-not-so-surprise jab my wand into your eye."

Harry grinned. "No, you won't," he wiggled his eyebrows smugly. "Ha ha, you love me."

Draco tutted, muttering, "I really do."

"Don't worry, babe, I know surprise parties aren't your thing. I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade after lunch?"

Draco shook his head. "I don't really want to leave the castle."

"But it's gorgeous out. And this is one of our last chances to go to Hogsmeade!" Harry turned and looked out of the window, admiring the sunlight dancing on the sparkling lake.

Draco shrugged. He walked forwards a little and wrapped his arms around Harry's middle, kissing him on the forehead gently. He dropped his voice to a barely audible whisper, "I'd rather just snog upstairs."

Harry went slightly pink. He raised an eyebrow at the blond. "And by snog, you mean...?"

"For once, Harry, your lecherous mind is correct," Draco rolled his eyes again. "What? You think I just want to snog you? Bloody hell, Potter, I'm a nineteen-year-old boy."

Harry smiled. "My  nineteen-year-old boy."

"Well, since my parents have more or less disowned me, I'm not going to argue with you there, daddy. I'm yours," they smirked at each other, and Ron groaned loudly. 

"Please talk about this somewhere else. You're literally discussing how much you want to fuck. In front of us!" he whined.

"We really need to get you a girlfriend, Weasley," said Draco, turning, his arms still around Harry.

"I don't need anyone to tell me that. It's more obvious than Voldemort's lack of a nose." 

That made everyone laugh.

Harry watched Draco and Ron finish their game of wizard's chess, and then eagerly led Draco up the stairs for a very saucy birthday present.


This one was quite short. I've been very busy today, and it's quite late now and I NEED sleep, so I ended the chapter without any raunchy details. 

Speaking of raunchy details, I'm not a very confident smut writer. I was very nervous about the reaction I would get on the events that took place at the end of day 12, and that was barely smut. I'm really sorry if smut is what you were expecting and/or hoping for, but please don't use that as a reason to stop reading! Who knows, you might like it anyway :)

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