day 3 - watching a movie

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"Hermione, why isn't it working?" Harry asked impatiently.

"I'm trying, Harry! I don't think I've got the right spell-"

"Oh for the love of Merlin," Draco got up, pulling Harry with him. "I'm going to bed. If you haven't found the right counter-charm by morning, Granger, I'll spit in your pumpkin juice."

Harry whacked Draco on the arm with his free hand, but Hermione hadn't been fazed by Draco's comment. She stared coldly after him as he pulled Harry up the stairs.

They burst into their dormitory, Harry fuming after being pulled away from his friends. Still, he didn't want to waste time arguing, so he tried to think of something for the two of them to do before they went to bed.

"Do you want to watch a film?" Harry asked.

"A film?" Draco repeated, his expression confused.

"Yeah, you know - a film." Harry said again, but Draco remained unsure. "It's like a moving picture, but with a story line and speech."

Draco raised an eyebrow at him. "Alright then. I suppose there's no harm in trying." he murmured, and Harry grinned. Draco ignored the feeling he got in his knees when he saw Potter's dazzling smile.

Harry tugged on Malfoy's arm and bent down to rifle through his trunk. "I didn't manage to get many. These are the only DVDs I own... They're all American. The shop owner said they had gotten good reviews..."

He pulled out a stack of DVDs, and Draco picked them up, turning each one over and reading the words on the colourful covers thoughtfully. After a few moments, he held out two DVDs to Harry.

"Which one?" Harry asked, looking at the DVD boxes.

"I can't choose. They both seem interesting." said Draco. He looked at the one on top of the pile of two again and sighed. "Let's just go with this one for today."

"Clueless?  Good choice. It's really good." he tried to open it, but struggled, as one of his hands was intertwined with Draco's. "How are we going to do this. Here, you hold that bit and I'll - get - there!"

The box opened and the DVD fell out of it, clanging loudly as it hit the floor. Both boys bent down to pick it up, but Draco got there first. Upon realising he didn't know what to do with the disc, Draco passed it Harry, who set it down on the end of his bed.

"You're lucky I bought my own DVD player and we don't have to use Hermione's like I did for the last seven years." said Harry.

Draco rolled his eyes. Harry - with great difficulty - opened the DVD player and put the disc inside. He motioned towards the bed, and Draco followed him around the four-poster, crawling in beside him. Harry set up the DVD player between them, and pressed play.

Harry didn't pay much attention to the film - he was too busy thinking about how being quite literally stuck to who he considered to be the most annoying piece of shit in existence, hadn't been as bad as he had initially thought. Sure, there had been difficulties, like at breakfast, lunch, dinner and then in the common room, not to mention bathroom breaks - but at least Draco was left-handed, because classwork would have been a nightmare otherwise.

Getting dressed was a nightmare. They had resorted to conjuring shirts onto their bodies because it was so hard, and changing trousers was doable but awkward. They took turns, one of them taking their school trousers off and putting their jeans or pyjama bottoms on and the other turned away, a wide grin usually plastered to their face. They had gotten comfortable enough with each other to sometimes sleep shirtless and in their boxers if they were too tired to put their sweatpants on.

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