day 11 - wearing onesies

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In the middle of November, a poster was put up in the eighth-year common room, advertising a party just for them. Harry had not spoken to Ron or Hermione since the argument, other than 'please's or 'thank you's.

"What's everyone crowding around the cork board for?" asked Draco. He and Harry were sitting with the other Slytherins, all studying separately. Harry was sitting next to him on the floor, closer than usual. They were both cross-legged and stressing over their Potions essays.

Blaise got up and went to look, using his height to peer over the top of everyone else's' heads. "I think it said there's going to be a party."

"A party?" Theo repeated, his voice tinged with excitement. "Why?"

Blaise shrugged. "I just saw the top. I think it said it was a onesie party."

Draco nearly spilt his ink. "A what party?"

Harry grinned and poked Draco in the ribs. "You heard him, Draco," he teased. "A onesie party. Everyone's got to wear onesies, then?" he looked at Blaise, who shrugged and nodded.

"You hear that, Dray? Everyone's got to come in a onesie!" Pansy giggled, joining in with Harry.

"I don't own such preposterous clothing," Draco spat. "What's the point of them? Let's just not go - it wasn't compulsory, was it, Blaise?"

Blaise shrugged, and then - after catching Pansy's eye - he said, "Oh, actually it is. Everyone in eighth-year has to attend, it said. But don't worry, Draco, there will be alcohol."


Harry and the Slytherins managed to persuade Draco to go to the party, and also found five onesies in a shop in Hogsmeade. Harry had found a dragon onesie, and insisted on wearing it at times other than a onesie-themed party. Draco managed to dislike a fox onesie that Theo had discovered a little less than the other options. Pansy bought a skin-tight black cat onesie that Draco said was more like a kinky bodysuit, to which Pansy purposefully spilt pumpkin juice on his toast every morning for a week afterwards. Blaise chose a very basic skeleton onesie, while Theo picked a teddy bear one.

On the night of the party, they were all sitting on the sofa, sipping on exotic cocktails and gossiping about their classmates' onesies. "About fucking time. Merlin - I needed a cocktail..."

Pansy laughed. "Why, Dray? You've always got access to Harry's cocktail."

Everything was quiet for a second, and then Theo and Blaise burst into a fit of giggles, and Draco grabbed the pillow off the sofa from behind him and threw it at Pansy. Draco and Pansy simultaneously whipped their wands out of their onesies and started throwing hexes and jinxes at each other. Harry had gone very red and was now sitting quietly between Draco and Pansy's growing feud.

Draco staggered to his feet and moved backwards, still furiously shooting hexes at Pansy, who had climbed onto the sofa and was thrashing her wand back and forth, yelling "PROTEGO!" over and over again.

The other eighth-years had stopped what they were doing now, looking up from their conversations and eagerly watching the two Slytherins. People started whispering about what Pansy and Draco were arguing about now, while Draco relentlessly shot at his best friend. Harry started to get panicky now, and it only got worse when Pansy starting shooting jinxes back at Draco. He ducked out of the way and shuffled back to the wall. Blaise and Theo had stopped too and were looking from Draco to Pansy, their faces painted with worry for their friends.

"Did this happen often?" Harry whispered to them.

They nodded. "More or less," Theo replied.

Harry got up slightly so that he was squatting. "I've got to do something..."

"It's best to just let them work it out," said Theo. "Nobody gets hurt."

At that moment, Pansy's Jelly-Legs Jinx spun past Draco's head and smacked into a frightened Padma Patil. Harry stood up and pulled his wand out of his pocket, raising it and pointing it at Draco, who wasn't fazed by Harry's action. Suddenly, Harry whirled around and yelled "Petrificus totalus!" at Pansy, who froze up and toppled forwards, landing on the remaining two sofa cushions.

Draco ran back across the room and high-fived Harry, who grinned and blushed.

"Harry!" a familiar voice cried, and the room went quiet. Harry turned around - wand still in his hand - and saw Ron and Hermione, standing just next to the boys' staircase.

Harry rolled his eyes and marched across the room and up the boys' stairs, pushing past Ron and Hermione, who stood still for a second and then followed, knowing that every pair of eyes in the room was watching them.

Harry burst into his room, and it wasn't long before Hermione and Ron were in there with him. Ron was in a penguin onesie and Hermione was in a colourful unicorn one.

"What was that?" Ron asked.

"Pansy and Draco were fighting: one of Pansy's jinxes missed Draco, hit Padma, and I jumped in and compromised," Harry explained.

"Harry, you shouldn't be getting involved with the Slytherins' drama-" Hermione started to say, but Harry cut her off midsentence.

"Hermione, with all due to respect, you have absolutely no idea what was going on. You don't know those people like I do, okay? You haven't been hanging out with them for the last 3 weeks after your friends ditched you."

"We didn't ditch you!" Ron half-shouted. "You ditched us!"

"We ditched each other," Harry mumbled, trying not to be entirely at fault.

"Besides, Harry, we all know the Slytherins were horrible for seven years, which is nothing next to three weeks," said Hermione.

"Okay, I see your point - but they're my friends now-"

"Would they say the same about you?"

"Theo would!"

"Theo?" Ron blinked at him. "Theo as in Theodore Nott? Bloody hell, Harry, you're abbreviating their names too? Does Blaise go by 'B'? Or maybe 'Z', for Zabini."

"No, Pansy is Zee, but only Draco calls her that."

Ron rolled his eyes and Harry apologised. "Look, I should have made more of an effort to hang out with you despite my current situation. I'm sorry. Can we stop ignoring each other now?"

Hermione and Ron exchanged looks. "Fine," Ron said, stepping forward and hugging Harry. "Sorry, mate."

Hermione stepped in. "Sorry, Harry."

"Nice onesie, by the way," Ron pointed at Harry. "Did you have anything to do with this party?"

Harry shook his head. "I thought maybe you did."

A loud laugh made the three of them jump and turn around. Dean and Seamus had their arms thrown over each other's shoulders, and were chuckling to themselves loudly. They were quite clearly drunk.

"Good idea, Seamus," said Dean clumsily.

"Thankssss," Seamus hissed like a snake, and then the two of them started laughing again. Ron looked from Harry to Hermione, who both shrugged.

"Should we get back to the party then?" Harry asked, and Ron and Hermione nodded. He was glad to have his two best friends back. Maybe now he could persuade Draco to get to know them better, so he wouldn't be feeling left out like when he hung out with the Slytherins. Even though they had gotten to know each other a lot better now, he still felt like he didn't fit in around them, and he still felt like Pansy was about to quite literally stab him in the back. Or curse him.

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